100 Interesting Facts About America
Hello Guys:
Welcome to Countries facts he taught you today about a place that apparently Bruce Springsteen was born in Miley Cyrus is having a party in and as a great puppet once sang is coming along to save the mother good day yeah no it's not Pizza Hut I'm talking the USA but how much does the average American eat what links bottled water and pornography in the States why does it always rain on me two out of three of those questions about to be answered so cover yourself in red white and blue paint run into your nearest Bed Bath & Beyond and scream about how much you love freedom all while dressed as Captain America this is 100 facts about the USA.
1 Wine because it's so bloody big the u.s. is divided into 50 states all of which are united see what they did there the smallest is Rhode Island which is 1545 square miles and the largest is Alaska with over six hundred and sixty-three thousand square miles.
2 Just two and a half million red white and blue people lived in the USA in 1776.
3 Today 318 million star-spangled Patriots live in the u.s.
4 At least 189 of these citizens are named long and apparently about four are named sex mind you I suppose it makes sense to name your kids after where they came.
5 There is no official language in the US but English is the most commonly spoken you're welcome guys you're welcomene.
6 American consumes as many resources as 32 Kenyans.
7 Forty percent of births in the US come from women Oh 40% of births in the US come from unmarried women right I'm with you now.
8 In fact four percent of women in the US have a bun in the oven right now well baby wise anyway.
9 Every tweet in American send is archived for the Library of Congress so your boring friend Dalton's 140 character review of the latest fire hydrants is actually official government record.
10 Speaking of the bubonic plague which we weren't there our worryingly still cases of the bubonic plague reported in the US every year.
11 There are 100 divorces every hour in the US maybe some of that is to do with giving your partner bubonic plague Claxton I'm just trying to connect the dots here guys.
12 Despite the country being so large and the population quite large - forty-seven percent of US soil is actually unoccupied and doesn't have anybody registered as living there.
13 Just before any of you go getting yourself into any trouble in America you have to be 16 to drive a car 18 to vote and own a gun and 21 to buy alcohol.
14 The grizzly bear is the official state animal of California but none have been seen there since 1922 it's a bit like that here in the UK - well it is flag has a dragon on it and we haven't seen any of those four bloody ages.
15 There are three towns in the u.s. to have the name Santa Claus they must be so depressing there when it's not Christmastime.
16 The state's love their cars in fact there are 845 Motor Vehicles for every thousand people.
17 Montana loves its bovine breast milk in fact Montana has three times as many cows as it does people it should be called Moo Tanna oh god I'm sorry come back please come back.
18 The u.s. is the fourth largest country in the world by land area and the third by population beaten by those pesky guys in India and China.
19 There have been 28 official versions of the US flag and here are some examples of them right now before your very eyes okay one of those I might have made up but I'm not going to tell you which one.
20 The current 50 star American flag was designed by a seventeen year old as a school project in 1958 he only got a b-minus for the project.
21 All the Six Flags planted on the moon by astronauts from the US just five of them are still standing I wonder what happened to the other one.
22 The lowest temperature ever recorded in the US was a prospect Creek in Alaska in January 1971 the temperature was minus 80 Fahrenheit which is probably enough to turn him nipple tinted glass cutters.
23 The hottest temperature ever recorded in the US was in the intimidating Lee named Death Valley California in July 1913 it measured 134 Fahrenheit which is probably enough to produce a bathtubs worth of midriff sweat.
24 Jennifer Lawrence was made in the US and for that I for one will be eternally grateful.
25 Most of the world's tornadoes occur in the Midwest region of the US known as Tornado Alley I wonder how it got its name.
26 Russia and America seemed like their bloody ages away but at an area called the Bering Straits they're actually less than four kilometers apart.
27 The Mississippi and Missouri rivers oh I'm so glad I don't ever listen combined to form the longest river system in the US and the fourth longest in the entire world.
28 There's enough water in Lake Superior to cover the entire land mass of North and South America in one quart of liquid which is amazing but let's not do that it would be incredibly irritating for everybody although I suppose it'd be a nice break for firefighters.
29 Every movie ever sustained shots best friend the Statue of Liberty was a rather large gift from France in 1884 that must have taken a lot of wrapping paper.
30 The seven raised on the crown of the Statue of Liberty represent the seven continents of the world each of them measure up to 9 feet in length and weigh as much as 150 pounds.
31 Kentucky not only has some really very tasty chicken going for it but it also has the largest cave system in the world with over 200 miles of cavey goodness I wonder how many zubats you find him there.
32 There are small towns in Michigan and California called hell people keep telling me to go there.
33 The original name of the city of Atlanta was terminus it's a shame they changed it really I hear Tony's his barbecue is to die.
34 Statistically speaking the deadliest job in all of America is president of the 44 men who have held the post four have been assassinated while in office.
35 Virginia has burst out more presidents than any other state which is ironic really when you think about its name.
36 The first president of the United States himself George Washington used to grow him smoke weed everyday.
37 Gerald Ford was the only man to beat both President and vice-presidents but wasn't elected to either post in American politics I mean I was both of the 101 fax fan club for a while because they wanted enough people to vote.
38 George Washington initially refused to accept his salary while president but eventually went back on his word and said okay then probably not in that voice nope it was $25,000 a year.
39 Funnily enough Washington was also one of the wealthiest presidents of all time with assets worth more than 500 million dollars I wonder how he got that.
40 Martin Van Buren was the first president to be born an American citizen all previous presidents were born British subjects.
41 Thomas Jefferson invented the swivel chair so we have Jefferson to thank for the hours of funk crust and etiquette offices everywhere until we spend too much and are a bit sick the meaning of life speaking of sick George Bush inspired a word in Japanese Busha.
42 Japanese Busha suru means literally to do the bush thing it's used when someone publicly vomits as Bush did all over the japanese prime minister in 1992.
43 The founding fathers spend the first few draft of the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper what is it with these guys in hemp never thought it for the Liberty Bell.
44 The Liberty Bell hasn't been heard since George Washington's birthday in 1846.
45 The Bell was first rung on July the 8th 1776 to celebrate the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence nobody knows when the Bell first cracked although some argue that it was during the Revolutionary War of 1824.
46 Anyway back to the important stuff 100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day.
47 Every second Americans collectively eat 100 pounds of chocolate huh wait sorry I mean 100 dollars of chocolate oh no wait I was like the first time god these conversions are so confusing.
48 One in three Americans are obese which is probably something to do with the previous two facts form honesty.
49 8 billion chickens are consumed in the u.s. each year by those one in three in the last fax probably.
50 An average person in the u.s. eats 35 tons of food in a lifetime to put that in perspective that we all understand that's about 380 Hugh Jackman's.
51 The average supermarket in the u.s. weights around 3,000 pounds of food each year that's about 48,000 doughnuts worse or to put it in perspective that we all understand 15 Hugh Jackman's.
52 There are more TVs in the US than there are people in the UK so if you've got a spare one lying around then please lend it to us I smashed mine in anger at the finale of Downton Abbey.
53 The US is known as the land of Hollywood the movies that we all know and love and occasionally just tolerate but perhaps if you'd like we could talk about that place another time.
54 In fact the very first motion picture theater opened in LA in 1902 I wonder if the popcorn was still as overwhelmingly expensive.
55 The average American spends more than 10 hours a day using an electronic device if you're watching this right now America congratulations you have about 9 and a half hours left.
56 The most-watched television event in the US is the Super Bowl no no the sports one Thank You.
57 If you're an NFL football player and you want a little bit more coverage on telly then stop trying to score and stuff baton have a little fall down on average injured players in televised NFL games get six more seconds of camera time than celebrating players.
58 There are three point two million pom-pom toting cheerleaders in the u.s. eighteen point seven percent of which are male in fact samuel l.jackson was once one about eighteen point seven percent.
59 In the u.s. seventy eight billion dollars is spent on TV ads per year per year in my opinion all at virtua just be a variation upon the montgomery fleamarket.
60 The average of huber watches one hundred and seventy five hours of television a month and that's pretty much a week per month go to your screen or to put in a perspective that we all understand about fourteen hugh jackman's.
61 The average young american will spend ten thousand hours playing video games before the age of twenty-one when they're legally allowed to go and get a Garlin go drinking themselves in real life as opposed to just pretending to do it on a Playstation.
62 Somewhat scarily the US and its governments are among the most powerful in the world in fact the US was the first country to develop nuclear weapons and is now estimated to have over seven thousand of the bloody things I'm just gonna go and play fallout as a practice for future.
63 In 1962 for instance the US tested a hydrogen bomb in space that was 100 times more powerful than Hiroshima god that big an explosion in space no wonder aliens are trying to attack New York and Los Angeles all the time Nintendo.
64 In World War two the US and New Zealand secretly tested 3,700 tsunami bombs designed to destroy coastal cities Wow how do you secretly test a bomb.
65 In the 1920s and early 30s there was a prohibition on alcohol meaning its sale and consumption was a big no-no unbelievably the US government actually poisoned alcohol during his time to deter drinking killing over 10,000 people.
66 Apparently New York doesn't actually taste like New York cheesecake.
67 27 percent of Americans don't believe the moon landings actually happened at all.
68 Dust the old presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had a bet on who would die first they both died until either 4th 1826 so nobody once had bet.
69 The US the naughty video pornography industry is worth over 8 billion dollars which is the same amount as the bottled water industry so just combine the two and hey presto profit.
70 According to Forbes if you have $10 in your pocket and no debts you're wealthier than 25% of all Americans.
71 One in eight American workers has been employed by McDonald's at some point and I bet the Donalds are loving it get it doesn't matter.
72 Sue for planet Earth would be required to sustain the levels of consumption of the US and apparently we only have one of them I don't like that math.
73 About 20 million Americans live in mobile homes.
74 According to those guys in the government it cost two hundred forty five thousand dollars to raise a child before college guess that depends on how much you spoil them.
75 The u.s. spends more money per person on health care than any other developed country but its life expectancy still below average.
76 In case there's any gold diggers watching the state with the most millionaires per capita is Maryland.
77 It costs the US government 1.8 cents to mint a penny and 9 point 4 cents to mint a nickel don't take a lot of minting to get that nickel back oh god no I didn't mean that I didn't mean them didn't mean them.
78 Gold diggers listen up again in more than half of all US states the highest paid public employees are sports coaches.
79 If Bill Gates gave every penny of his fortune to the US government it would only cover the US budget deficit for about 15 days.
80 It took from the founding of the nation until 1981 for the u.s. national debt to cross the rather high bark of one trillion dollars today the national debt is well over 19 trillion and it goes up more than a trillion dollars every single year I don't even want to know how many Hugh Jackman's.
81 The average US worker stays at each of their jobs for 4.4 years so if you're working in Taco Bell and you're fed up of your manager Sandra's BS then you're statistically likely to only stay there for a little bit longer mumble Rudy to the US.
82 USA has four hundred and fifteen thousand janitors 83,000 bartenders and 323,000 restaurant service with bachelor's degrees that makes fifty-four percent of college graduates either underemployed or unemployed but check that last fact and you realize it won't be for very long so don't worry keep believing and keep achieving.
83 The cost of college in the US has gone up 500% since 1985 500% and that doesn't even cover the cost of carpet cleaning after sorority parties.
84 According to a study conducted by economist Carl Benedict Frey and Michael Osborne 47 percent of the jobs in the US could be lost to computers robots and other forms of Technology if they never seen terminator it doesn't end well and oh god it's happening to me already oh why I live in the UK.
85 Anyway Christmas who doesn't love Christmas eh well apparently the US and its olden days as it was illegal in the US until 1836 as it was considered an ancient pagan holiday.
86 It transpires though that apparently Americans do love Christmas as the best-selling single of all time there is Bing Crosby's white Christmas selling 25 million copies.
87 America also loves the wind apparently as the best-selling movie of all time ever over there is gone with the wind taking 1.7 billion dollars in adjusted gross.
88 According to the Recording Industry Association of America the best selling artists in the whole of the country are those Beatle fellas never heard of them.
89 In 1893 an amendment was proposed to rename the United States of America into the United States of the earth USC doesn't really have the same kind of ring to it does it I mean hey wait a minute that's already a word acronyms are fun.
90 In 1943 sliced bread was banned to conserve supplies during World War two.
91 In America GPS is owned and controlled by the government they can switch it off any time they want for instance when you're trying to eat an old college buddy for a spar and fried chicken day that can be your Excuse next time you don't want to go to one of those.
92 Salt Lake City has a Laura concurring and unwraps ukulele on the street so you watch out for that.
93 Ding on a sea turtle it's also a third degree felony I should think so word oh sitting on a sea title is a third degree felony okay nominally.
94 Thor the u.s. puts a higher percentage of his population in prison than any other nation on earth does they just cannot stop sitting on sea turtles can they.
95 The army owns around 24,000 square miles of land if the army were a state it probably wouldn't be much fun but it would also be the 42nd largest state in the u.s.
96 Speaking of the US military they have a secret this silent type of velcro which reduces the ripping noise by over 95% those geniuses if they can adapt those on to rip off shorts and I would be really really grateful what do you mean why it's nothing a business dalton.
97 In 2014 the u.s. spent more than five hundred eighty billion dollars on the military which is by far the highest in the world Lord alone knows how much of that was on velcro.
98 After the release of Top Gun in 1986 the US Navy saw a 500% increase in young men wanting to become naval aviators so thanks Tom Cruise and Kenny Loggins good work team.
99 In July the 4th is known as the most patriotic and American date ever as it's Independence Day but the real Independence Day is actually on the 2nd of July as this is the day that the meeting to approve independence in Britain actually happened unlike what it says in all the movies it's actually very rare that aliens attack invade on the 4th of July.
100 The u.s. national anthems melody was actually originally from a drinking song by the an aquarium tick society a london-based gentlemen's club in the 18th century and its original lyrics were about drinking and sex crikey try and find the original lyrics and sing those instead to spice up Independence Day a little bit that was 100 facts about the US of A and I don't like you but I had a lovely time.
If you want more facts like a bald eagle once the taste of freedom in its beak they click on subscribe right now to receive exactly that oh how I do want to hop stateside and visit there's so many things to see and do to gamble in Las Vegas and clamber up Lady Liberty and see the Grand Canyon and go to LA and try to get a movie deal and end up crying due to projection and then getting drunk by myself and singing what the hell am i doing drinking in LA then laughing to myself because that's a song and then crying again because no one else is laughing and then ending up alone forever Goodbye.