Top 10 Amazing Facts About Syria
Hello Guys:
Welcome to Countries Facts So Today I'm talking about syria so as humanity has through the ages the vast world as we know has become smaller through the means of us connecting with one another and within those means we are able to understand many different people's opinions and thoughts and see the true connection between us all while giving us a great foundation for what it means to truly be human and today we are talking about a country that has been a connection and a foundation to the beginning of humanity today we are talking about a country that has a real deep story and like most stories the further we dive into them the more we discover about the true struggle of a person or people that makes up the whole of a culture and today on Countries Facts we are reaching our hand out and talking about the country known as Syria so hey everybody what's going on Dave Walton here and Welcome to Countries Facts now I'm not gonna lie this is a Article that is hard for us to do here on the website because well this is a country that has a lot of controversy around it and for me I had to spend a lot of time really doing a lot of research on the country because this is one that we have to have a great understanding and care for and it's also because this is a country that most of you wanted us to talk about you people like her s gaming is them a med southward Mohammed Tama and many more of you so to first start off let me ask you the question of the video and that is will be the worst thing for somebody to take from you would it be a family member would it be you know your freedom of speech what would it be let me know down there cool.
1 Syria this is a country that has an extensive history a history of progress of warfare and fights for its people's voice to be heard and this is because the culture of Syria goes way back to ancient time for example the two largest cities in Syria Aleppo and Damascus are among the world's longest inhabitants now Damascus it was inhabited about 9,000 BC and Aleppo being 2400 BC but one of the oldest structures in the entire country is the citadel of aleppo now this large castle dates back to the 3rd millennium BC and it's considered one of the oldest forts in the world and has a history of being occupied by many different cultures such as the Greeks the Byzantines and the IU beds in which most of the structure is formed from them now although the city to date has been damaged because of the civil war it was inscribed as a une SCO location in 1986 but what about Syria's history I mean how far does it go back how did it all begin the history of Syria.
2 Syria dates back to 10,000 BC as it was an area known as the Neolithic culture center these were the people that used agriculture and cattle breeding first in human history and although it is home to one of the oldest human excavations the ancient city of hammer car has an interesting story scientists date this city's destruction back to 3500 BC but what makes it more fascinating is in 2008 the excavation had discovered clay slingshot bullets and slingshots which suggest that the city was one of if not the first city to have urban warfare but most important and well documented moments in Syria's history was when it was controlled under the Ottoman Empire before 15/16 the country was under the control of the Mamluk empire but they were eventually defeated by the Turkish.
3 Turkish Empire or better known as the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of large dark near Aleppo and for over 400 years the Ottoman Empire ruled all of Syria until its demise in World War one when World War one broke out on July 28 1914 the Ottomans and its territories allied with the German conflict and it marked a major change in human history a moment where countries banded together in a valiant symbol against evil and within the darkness of that evil was the Armenian and Assyrian genocide this was the third genocide of the 20th century and the first one to have a death toll of over 1 million people a dark time in serious history that began on April 24th 1915 we're anywhere between 800,000.
4 In 1.5 million Armenians and 275 thousand 750 as Syrian people were marched in the desert with no food or water and left to perish in an attempt to wipe out the Christian faith within Syria but the Arabic people did not stop there they fought back hard as freedom fighters of this sure if Ian's army under the command of Emir Facel revolted against the ottoman army fighting alongside british forces such as thomas edward lawrence or better known as Lawrence of Arabia between TE Lawrence and Emir pycelle the two collaborated on many different occasions even on the victorious attack on Damascus on October 30th 1918 now shortly after that the Ottomans and the remaining German forces.
5 German forces were defeated by the Allied efforts bringing the Empire and a war to an end but the thing is after World War 1 the British promised the Arabic people that they would get independence however that changed after the war as two diplomats one English and one French frost wall George Pickett and Britain marched styles secretly decided that after the war Syria would become ruled by the French but to be sure that this didn't happen when the war ended Emir Faisal he went to the Paris Peace Conference to ensure his sovereignty over Syria but his hopes went short when the European countries decided to split up the Ottoman territories.
6 Ottoman territories with the final conclusion that Syria would be mandated by the French but surely after that Faisal declared himself on March 7th 1920 your rightful king of the Arab kingdom of Syria which ended up leading to the short Franco Syrian war in which Faisal was given an ultimatum to surrender his forces or face a severe invasion and although he complied with it his Defense Minister use of al Asma ignored the Kings request and instead he took his own small army to my salon where he faced the French where he was eventually surrounded and defeated by French forces and tanks this ended by cells Kingdom on July 24th 1920 which after that the French expelled Amir from the country that he fought so long and for now although the French had control and a mandate over Syria they eventually lost control during World War two this is because France.
7 France Itself was occupied by the Germans and after the Second World War in 1958 the country had joined Egypt to become the United Arab Republic linking the two together as one however this deal didn't really work for the Syrian people because they were pretty much ignored by the Egyptians thought of as second-class and of course because of that their economy suffered and outside of that even the country was known as the northern region of the UA arm at that point the country had a coup were soldiers defected freeing Syria from Egypt.
8 on September 1st 1961 and within the following years came the creation of the Baths government which also had another coup in 1966 but let's step away from the politics and history of Syria to discover what else this country may have that others don't Syria is a country that has over 17 million people making it ranked fifty fourth most populous place in the entire world it has a landmass of eighty five thousand one hundred and eighty kilometers square having a density of a hundred and eighteen point three people per square kilometers now within that population seventy four percent of them are followers of Islam with ten percent of them being Christian and three percent worshiping an interesting religion called drusen now it's fascinating about the people of Druze within Syria.
9 Syria is there's only about four hundred and fifty thousand to six hundred thousand people worshiping the religion and believe it or not they make up the largest group in the entire world within a country you could say that Syria is Druze capital of the world that's the world population of people following Drew's is 800,000 to maybe 2 million for those who don't understand Druze is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion but they don't follow the five pillars of Islam but what's crazy about these people is they pretty much live in isolation and they don't even really have conversations with another they don't even speak it's crazy however as for the people of Syria there are and has contributed to a lot of the Arabic culture as they are a proud people of oral and written culture and poetry in the early days of the 19th century many Syrian writers and philosophers traveled to Egypt and contributed to the Al nada which is well known to be a very cultural and changing Renaissance that happened in the nineteenth century but you couldn't have history and literature without having education and in Syria.
10 Syria the education within the country is completely free for students ages 6 to 12 after that they have a three year general or a vocational training school followed by another three-year academic or vocational program and these students are indeed learning as their literacy comes in at ninety point seven percent for males and eighty-two point two percent for females speaking of academics let's talk about their health care program now from 1970 to 2009 the country had accomplished quite a lot for example the life expectancy of a person in Syria went from 56 to 73 an infant mortality dropped from 132 per thousand births to seventeen point nine live births and in 2010 a year before the Syrian civil war the country was spending 3.4 percent of its GDP on health care related issues and within a thousand people there were fourteen point nine physicians and eighteen point five nurses but nowadays the health care system has unfortunately become very limited and restricted the latest reports show that almost half of Syria's population has been forcibly relocated and this is seven point six million people with also four point eight million registered refugees who have relocated the reason for this is because in 2011 Syria entered a civil war it all began with peaceful Arab springs protests where anti-assad protesters marched in Damascus for democratic reforms and release of protesting prisoners however things escalated during those protests and police units fired on the civilians which moved from peaceful protesting to a civil war when officers and soldiers defected creating the Free Syrian Army on July 29th 2011 until the state is one of the darkest moments and most confusing moments in Syrian history.
I am gonna tell you one more additional fact about Syria.
11 Syrian history as there are sides in every corner of the country the war has taken over 400,000 lives but besides the war itself the country is still home to many historical sites for example the country has 6 une sco sites unfortunately the city of Aleppo which was sixth on the list has areas that are in utter ruins but the city of Damascus itself is considered an entire UN SCO zone the reason for this is because the city is filled with many old structures and the most important one of them all that umayyad mosque is the oldest building in the city dating back to 715 ad now this mosque was built in order to commemorate the Arab conquest of Damascus in 1634 it is 77 meters high and is made almost completely out of marble and it is one beautiful piece of architecture I will give it that as well it is one of the oldest and largest and most used mosques in the entire world as some Islamic followers consider it the fourth most holy place on the entire planet it is also believed that it is the place that Jesus will return to at end of days and the only Pope to a visited this mosque was john paul ii in 2001 so that's it guys that's been us talking about syria and I hope this Article brought you guys some insight on Syria instead of just the war in which we're reading about in the media today that being said if you guys have any ideas for future Countries Facts Article.
Let us know down there because we are always listening or talking about a country and the people of Syria it is a region of land that is sacred to our history with a culture that is still standing proud and hopeful towards a better future this is the country of Syria a place where the Sun always rises from its middle east and its people stand firm and strong against the burning struggles of life we will see you again in the next one God Bless you.