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Top 10 interesting Facts About United States Of America

 Top 10 Interesting Facts about United States Of America


Welcome to Countries Facts so Today In this Article I will show you top 10 interesting facts about America.

1 when America was discovered well that date is July 4th 1776 that's the official date it is often mistaken that Christopher Columbus was the first person to find America but you know why he was not in 1492 Christopher Columbus left Spain with three ships to find an alternate route to the Far East with provided Europeans with valuable goods such as spices silk and opium and yes opium the drug in which now that's bad but back then it was used to like help people take care of them it was a medicine so Columbus's was the set sail and hit Japan but he didn't realize how far that actually was so instead he hit America due to a miscalculation he was so convinced he hit the Far East he named America India and called the people who were already settled there Indians but the ancestors of the natives have already been on the American land and they were the first inhabitants of the continent so Christopher Columbus just found maybe the first ever people on the land but he did not discover America.

2 Did you guys know that 27% of Americans some of you guys believe that the moon landing never happened so the United States Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the moon which happened on July 20th 1969 to date the states is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the moon however there are two other countries that soft landing on the moon that being the USSR and now China meaning they were able to get equipment on the moon that's what soft landing means here's pictures of the moon landings back in 1969 these pictures have become very famous and often questioned because people don't believe that it's real there are many questions to the flag itself a lot of people say it's flowing in the wrong direction it's casting the wrong shadow and the shadow of the astronaut is totally wrong people do believe that the moon landing was a hoax this whole thing has been photoshopped but let me know what you guys think was the moon landing.

3 Hey let's talk about money and no not because I'm brown although less brown people do love money wonder why there has only been one time in American history where the country was debt-free and that was on January 8th 1835 right now America sixteen point three trillion dollars in debt it's only getting higher and higher this is why people think that voting for Donald Trump for president is a good idea because well he's worth billions of dollars he knows how to make money but you know what what do you think about it Donald Trump isn't a self-made billionaire he had hope from his father so right now the world has about 60 trillion dollars and america owes like one third of that number that is insane and who keep lending America money stop cut them off take their credit card than just right in half moving on to

4 America actually doesn't have a national official language a lot of you guys would be like oh my god Lana that's so stupid America's natural language is English well it's not a lot of you guys might assume that it okay well if it's not English I might be Spanish well there's just no official language the most common language there is English about 80% of the people speak English 12.4% speak Spanish the country doesn't have an official language because they were founded on the principle of being an immigrant nation so they want to welcome people in so they remain a nation open to all kinds of people over hundreds of years there's been many moves to institute this but at the federal level the highest level there is no such thing okay Ana

5 Walmart is everywhere it's a little creepy about ninety percent of Americans live within 15 minutes of one Walmart was founded about 53 years ago in 1962 in Rogers Arkansas which is located in the States Walmart is the world's largest company about revenue as well as the biggest private employer in the world with about 2.2 million employees Walmart is a family-owned business which is controlled by the Walton family Walmart has a total of eleven thousand six hundred twenty stores so it's really hard to live in a place in America where there isn't a Walmart.

6 Walmart dominates when it comes to successful businesses I mean we've already just talked about Walmart and this is why they're often considered as like the land of opportunity people from around the world a new life a better life so they come to America out of the top ten richest people right now seven of them are Americans with Bill Gates on top and then you have Warren Buffett out of all the most successful businesses in the world America owns about 90% of them and some of these companies just let you guys know but it's like Apple or Facebook Berkshire Hathaway that is owned by Warren Buffett and that company has about five hundred twenty six billion dollars in assets and you guys should just close your eyes think of a company and it's probably American okay so did you guys know that there's actually people living at the bottom of the Grand Canyon well yeah this is really weird.

7 I found this very fascinating that people live at the bottom of the Grand Canyon well these people are called have us I pay people which is a tribe and they are an American Indian tribe they've been living there for the past eight hundred years the population right now is estimated to be about 650 people and the language they speak is human and back in 1882 that have this spa tribe was forced by the federal government to abandon all but five hundred and eighteen acres of land the Grand Canyon to put the answer perspective is about one hundred and eighty five thousand acres the government force them out of this land because of the silver rush back in the 1800.

8 Well you guys have this state that has a cat for a mayor can you guys guess which one well I'll give you a hint a lot of people kind of forget that this place is a state well if you guys look it's around Canada though and yeah you guys you guys want over this land that is now called Alaska so in Alaska yes they have a cat for mayor the cat is named Stubbs and he's been mayor for the past 15 years in a little town called talk--i Keith tuna Stubbs took office back in 1997 Stubbs has become a tourist attraction strong about 30 to 40 tourists a day okay let's go back to when the American flag was created because this is something that's really interesting and this comes.

9 Well the flight was actually created by a 17 year old who made the flag as a school project this is him right here he actually passed away not too long ago at the age of 68 years old so he designed the flag back in 1958 so he received a B from his teacher for the school project I think that teacher should have been fired because now this project is the national flag for a all nation.

10 America but quickly let's recap what we've had so far Christopher Columbus is often mistaken as a founder of America a lot of the American population believes the moon-landing never happened I bet you a lot more people believe in aliens than they believe that people actually ended on the moon America had one day in history where they were debt free and now let's talk about well from the start how was America discovered okay so let's start off from like the beginning you know how America got its name so AILA's named after Amerigo Vespucci he sent forth the then revolutionary concept at the land that Christopher Columbus sailed to back in 1492 were a part of a separate continent the first ever map was created back in 1507 by martin waldseemüller on the map he put the new discovered continent on it and he named it America America has many names the Americans the Western Hemisphere.

I'm sure there's a hundreds of things that I've missed maybe I can make a Article Two let me know Comment Section so I hope you guys enjoy these Article hopefully the next Article you guys will enjoy even better that's it for me guys bye.

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