Top 10 Interesting Facts About Ukraine
Hello Guys:
Welcome to Ukraine where we're gonna learn as much as we can about this amazing nation that's filled with people like you and me Ones with hope family and opportunity in mind, but before we get into the nitty gritty facts of Ukraine I better introduce myself. How's it going? Everybody?Welcome to Countries Facts the website where we look at people Cultures and places from all around the world and now I'm excited to learn about Ukraine I think it is a beautiful nation and it's got a lot going for it Now that being said if you're new here on Countries Facts and you want to learn about new countries and new places around the world well Hit that subscribe button to Website and join us here every day where we look at a new country from anyplace in the world But with that I'll talk about that a little bit later because right now we got to talk about Ukraine.
1 Ukraine Now probably the first and foremost question is how do you pronounce this country's name? Is it Ukraine or is it the Ukraine? Well, that's that's actually just a really good question So firstly if you were to say the Ukraine You might get some people that are gonna look at you in a very negative way. It's actually pronounced, Ukraine Now why would the be considered negative? Well at one point Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and back then that's when people from other parts of Russia Pretty much called Ukraine though, Ukraine, and now that it's its own independent nation You probably should just call it Ukraine out of respect to the people who fought for their own Independence.
2 Am I right which by the way it was August 24th? 1991 when Ukraine got its own independence And this was pretty much after the fall of the Soviet Union Goodbye, Berlin Wall, but I find it very amazing how a three-letter word called th e could mean something so negative Sometimes of course there might be some of you guys out there who are from Ukraine who are like now, it doesn't really matter It's totally okay, but some people might be like ya know we are not the Ukraine.
3 Ukraine is also a very important country in all of Europe and I'm gonna get into some of those details shortly But let's be real one thing that Ukraine has is a largely military But more importantly it's a rather fertile country and I don't mean like, you know The women are fertile, like they're dead knocked up and having babies all the time As a matter of fact, that's a little bit. You know, I come it the opposite because they have a decreasing population I mean like the country has very fertile soil but speaking of population Let's look at how big Ukraine actually is in terms of population.
4 It's it's at the 32nd largest country in the world having a population of around 42 million four hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and thirty-five people as of a 2017 estimate now. Like I said, it's a declining population because in 2001 the census stated that the country had about 48 million people within the country So why the decline well? first of all high death rates and low birth rates at one point Ukraine had its peak population at over 52 million people in 1993 by the year 2016 its population had dropped to over 18 percent and with that in 2018. It was reported that there was approximately 11.1 deaths for every thousand people.
5 while only having 9 births for every thousand as well there have been losses of Territories from conflicts like Crimea and Donbass that led to a population decrease and with that I don't really want to get into the dark sides of Ukraine I mean every country has its dark moments Canada the United States France. They've all you know had some terrible things happen to them So I'm gonna skip that because while we're on the topic of size Let's talk about land size Basically the country sits at 45th roughly in the world coming in with a rough Approximate land size of six hundred and three thousand six hundred and twenty-eight kilometers square now there might be some people out there who might say that's not accurate because of territorial loss, but Yeah, okay that that's true. Also currently Ukraine.
6 when it comes to sighs It has two titles that make it a little bit confusing. First of all, it's the second-largest European country But with that it is the largest country that is wholly in Europe Meaning that the whole country is within Europe I mean Russia is big but not alo Russia is within Europe. There's you know the East which doesn't really count Sorry, Russia, and like I said when it comes to this land it is Extremely extremely fertile. How fertile is it? Well, they say over 56% of the entire land within the country is fertile soil on top of that There's about 2% that is used for permanent crops and 13% used for permanent Pastures and 18% of this is forest And woodland while 9% is classified as other for worldwide arable land alone It comes in at third in terms of country percentage but it comes in at tenth in overall with a total arable size of 338 thousand six hundred and nineteen kilometers Square and you might be thinking with all of this arable land What kind of stuff do they actually like? Produce like vegetables that sort of stuff. Well the most profitable thing that they produce that is grown in the ground is Sunflowers. Yes. I know. It seems weird who ever thought like the sunflower would be a really viable thing Well, it's oil for example It's number one in the world for sunflower oil giving approximately four million tons of it a year it's also the third exporter in the world for barley fourth for corn and sixth for wheat and seventh for soybeans for its sunflower oil China is actually the biggest buyer of This product also a little under 60% of the soybeans that come from the country are under a company known as Danube soya.
7 When it comes to the soil just so you guys know Yeah, it's not only all over the place, but it's really thick some areas. It's like five feet thick That is a lot a lot of black soy like I am five eight guys. Think about it It's like my head is like I would be you know what I mean if I was planted into the ground Considering we were on the topic of food. Did you know that Ukrainians came up with the idea of eggs for Easter? Well, at least that's what they like to say It's a bit of a bizarre thing to do during Easter now.
8 We think about it but it is known as pysanka and back in the day instead of coloring them like we do now what they would do is cover them with wax resin and Then dye them and although there have been fragments of these shells found in Poland from ancient times No remains from these periods were found in Ukraine. That being said Ukrainians believed in des Beaux Which was the Sun God and they decorated their eggs to that which actually kind of means the whole painting of an egg Predates Christian rule. That's right. You could almost say it's a bit pagan. That's right. Sad Christians During that time for Ukrainians birds were considered the chosen creature of the Sun God and during that time Also humans could not catch birds and they honored them by taking their eggs which meant rebirth of the earth or nature which also Coincides with spring and that's kind of how the Christians were like, hey wait, they're doing this around the same time we're just gonna take it and It's with us now.
9 Did you know that Ukraine was the first country to ever have an official? Constitution that's right in today's world Ukraine is listed as a unitary semi-presidential Constitutional republic meaning that it has a president and Prime Minister as a matter of fact The president is voted for every five years and their Parliament is called verkhovna rada with over 450 seats which means some of the Decisions or most of the decisions within the government has to be approved by both the president and the Prime Minister and the cabinet But back to this world's first constitution It was known as the constitution of Philip Orlick, which was introduced in 1710 It was the first constitution that also outlined rights of the government and its people which is kind of crazy because you know, When you look at like Americans who are like, you know, that's our Constitution.
10 Ukrainians are like well ours is really old and we've had to change it a couple of times because we know it's outdated Yeah, considering we are on the topic of constitutions and governments Let's talk about the Capitol for just a second known as Kiev it has a population of 2.8 million people at least estimated following that there is Kharkov Which has 1.4 million people and Odessa with over 1 million people and although the city of love you may come in at seventh-largest with a population of 730 mm. It's actually cafe capital of the entire country as they have over 1,500 cafes that's insane and last but not least probably my favorite thing to talk about of every single country is how well country's its culture and people Preserve its own culture and traditions both culturally and naturally I know I said culture a lot there but you'll see why the reason for this is Ukraine is a country that has six cultural and one natural UNESCO World Heritage Sites as a matter of fact love you city center is considered one of these which has been around since the Middle Ages and it's not gonna stop there because currently and I'm actually really surprised at this because Ukraine has 16 sites on the tentative list, which is really high So you might see more UNESCO World Heritage Sites popping up in the next couple of years Did you guys have fun learning about Ukraine now? Okay. Yeah This has been a rather Article.
I missed any facts Feel free to leave it down there Because I love you guys if you guys are from Ukraine and you know You want to teach some other people? I would say look down in our comment section so you can learn something from some people who might be from there or have visited from there and with that before you guys get out of here our next Article we're gonna be talking about next Day is going to Be the great and beautiful country of Romania So feel free hit that subscribe button and that bail Notification on Website and come back every day that also being said you can check out the d right here guys It's up above my head.It'll be at the end of this Article Thank you guys for tuning in and hanging out with me and I hope you all had a beautiful time learning about Ukraine See in the next Article. Bye Alright so you made it to the end of the Article Well here is that different Articles I was telling you about if you want to also maybe just learn about some cool military stuff We also do that as well So there's military Articles just on military aspects of different countries, and there's just this stuff on the countries themselves. So check them out We'll see you the next one. Bye