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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Burkina Faso

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Burkina Faso

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Welcome to another informative Article presented to you in this Article shall be taking you to the western part of africa and shall take an in-depth look at one of africa's most surrounded nations burkina faso burkina faso is a landlocked country in west africa with a surface area of around 274 200 square kilometers the more than 21.5 million populated nation is surrounded by six countries mali to the north and west nigerian to the east bend into the south east cargo to the south east ghana to the south and ivory coast to the southwest the country's official language is french burkina faso is one of the most history packed nations in africa but when you think of it which african nation isn't before we bring you the 10 things you probably didn't know about this beautiful country let us drive through memory lane by taking a look at burkina faso's background and some basic statistics background and basics of burkina faso burkina faso was formerly called the republic of opera between 1958 and 1984 and was renamed burkina faso on the 4th of august 1984. the republic of opavota was established on 11 december 1958 as a self-governing colony within the french community and on 5th august 1960 it gained its full independence with maurice yamiogo as president yama yoga was deposed in the 1966 coup d'etat led by sangule lamizana who became president he too was deposed in the 1980 coup d'etat led by saya zerbal encountering resistance from trade unions zebo's government was overthrown in the 1982 coup d'etat led by jean-baptiste uedraugo by 1983 thomas sankara was made prime minister but was later imprisoned efforts to free him led to popularly supported 1983 kuduta in which he became president sankara was overthrown and killed in the 1987 coup d'etat led by bless kompaure and deteriorating relations with former colonizer friends and its ali with the ivory coast were the reasons given for the coup in 1987 bless konpawe became president and after an alleged 1989 coup attempt was later elected in 1991 and 1998. elections were boycotted by the opposition and received a considerably low turnout as well as in 2005. he remained head of state until he was ousted from power by the popular youth upheaval after the 1st october 2014 after which he was exiled to the ivory coast michelle cafando subsequently became the transitional president of the country on 16 september 2015 a military could attack against the cafander government was carried out by the regiment of presidential security the former presidential guard of campaore on 24 september 2015 after pressure from the african union he caused and armed forces the military junta agreed to step down and michelle kaffander was reinstated as acting president in the general election held on 29 november 2015 rock murrow christian cabore won in the first round with 53.5 percent of the vote and was sworn in as president on 29 december 2015 and he is still president as at the time of making of this video burkina faso citizens are known as burkina bay with its capital at wagadugu and roughly 50 of the population speaks the most language natively if you are new here welcome be sure to subscribe and turn notifications so you don't miss any of our videos and without any further ado here are 10 things you probably didn't know about burkina faso.

1 Burkina faso has one of the highest fertility rates in the world the country located between the sahara desert and the forest of the south has one of the highest fertility rates in the world as the average book in the bay woman has six children as a consequence the population has increased fivefold in the past half century the total fertility rate of burkina faso is 5.93 or six children born per woman according to 2014 estimates which makes burkina faso the sith highest fertile nation on earth.

2 Best place names in the world burkina faso has agreed with the world's best list names when we look at the meanings of the names given to places let's start with the country itself burkina faso means the land of honest people in the local music language the capital wagadugu means you're welcome here at home with us in the local more dialect and another fun fact about its capital wagadugu is that it is one of the oldest cities on earth the country also has several cities and places with interesting names such as the leafy bubble gelasa which is the second city and boasts the desert makka town of goram garam we also have places like burunburn fadangorma tinakov myanguloko and air rambo interesting and fascinating names.

3 Burkina has few natural resources whenever we think africa we think many natural resources but burkina faso is just one of the few nations in africa that don't fit in that box of abundant natural resources the french only colonized it because it was a bridge between the coastal territories of benin and ivy coast and the odessa holdings in modern day mali and niger it even stopped being a country for 15 years from 1932 when it was carved up between its supposed more important neighbors the french made good use of upper voters human resources however forcing hundreds of thousands to build railways farm cocoa and fight in the first world war trenches golden cotton are burkina faso's main exports and fall it on the developed economy which is no surprise why the country is one of the poorest and unindustrialized countries in the entire world burkina faso's few natural resources include gold manganese limestone marble phosphate pyramids and salt.

4 Host africa's most important festival the people of burkina faso have been nervous of festive atmospheres for centuries even before french colonization and they have not dropped a part of them at all with a rich culture of more than 60 ethnic groups you know the country is teaming with festivals between mass dances to music and the international arts and crafts fair you will be at a loss for choice on which to attend every two years bikinis capital city wagadugu hosts the pan-african film and television festival of huakadugu fespaco the largest african cinema festival on the continent where african cinema is celebrated and that is not all the festivity the ever festive nation will host a year also every two years the samples in the scriptures regretted the longer takes place on the side located about 35 kilometers from wagga dugou in the province of ubitenga the national culture week of burkina faso better known by its french name la semaine national de la couture is one of the most important cultural activities of burkina faso held every two years since 1988 the international island craft fair wagadugo is one of africa's most important trade shows for arts and handicraft which is again hosted by yours ever festive burkina faso.

5 One of africa's revolutionary thomas sankara was from burkina faso burkina was home to the ill-fated revolutionary thomas sankara who was president alienated the french by calling them near colonialist he also told the country's creditors he wouldn't pay them back saying you play the game and you last he explained and enslaved african leaders for their corruption sankara was a man of his words and practiced what he preached by ditching the ministerial messages forever note 4 taking out a 2 000 mortgage to buy a house and cycling around wagadugu on a rusty old bicycle sankara renames the country burkina faso and launched an ambitious socio-economic program which included a nationwide literacy campaign land redistributions appeasant railway and road construction and the outlawing of female genital mutilation forced marriages and polygamy checks he wrote frequently described as africa's che guevara sankara who unlike most african revolutionaries died even before he could sully his reputation and remains a hero to young idealists from all over the continent if every african nation had just one thomas sankara now let us take some time out and marinade on what a continent.

6 Incredibly rich music scene the french could not get over how musical the people of burkina faso were after taking them as french laborers the french recounted constantly how much the people danced and sang while working burkina faso has over 60 ethnic groups each with their own style of music and instruments music is a way of life in burkina and you'll be able to find live music all over the place in the larger cities or small street colors whatever you're into reggae salsa circus and fork along with traditional styles book in the festival has you covered digging in and really exploring the musical landscape will give you a greater understanding of the different ethnic groups wagadogu and bobo also feature yearly jazz and hip-hop festivals and to solidify it all they even have a national museum of music.

7 Wildlife and camo treks burkina faso has a larger number of elephants than many countries in west africa lions leopards and buffalo can also be found here including the daf or red buffalo a smaller reddish-brown animal which looks like a fierce kind of short-legged cow other large predators live in burkina faso such as the cheetah the caracal or african limbs the spotted hyena and the african wild dark one of the continent's most endangered species the northern half of burkina faso lies in the middle of the sahel the arid semi desert stream that runs the breath of africa and separates the sahara from the tropical south and interior semi-desert sand and shrub lands populated by nomadic tuareg and fula people you can hire guides from the town of goromgorum to take you out to the bhojvya camel for a truly unique experience under the stars talk of paradise on earth and you should think of west of burkina faso the west of the country is home to some of its beautiful natural areas including the waterfall of banfora the sleepy town has ample accommodation and the waterfall makes for a peaceful escape from the bustling city nearby is a lake where you can hire a local to take you on the periodic to see wildlife but do so at your own risk as people's inhabited the lake as well.

8 A booming art and craft industry as we discussed earlier burkina faso has some of the richest culture and heritage anywhere else on the continent and that comes with some of the most amazing handicraft carvings and masks too at all through its multitude of markets will leave you lost for choice on what to take or leave behind to be on the safe side just bring enough cash to spend not only in the market but also its numerous art and craft festivals in addition to several rich traditional artistic heritages among the people there is a large artist community in burkina faso especially in wagadugu much of the craft produced are for the country's growing tourist industry and the tourists are definitely pleased given the huge increase in the purchase of sudanese.

9 Exquisite cuisine it is rumored that west african cuisine is the continent's best while burkina faso takes it up a notch burkina faso cuisine is based on staple foods of sargon millet rice maize peanuts potatoes beans yams and okra most are served with a number of tasty sauces punctuated with animal protein such as chicken chicken eggs and fresh water fish digesting your meals will never be a problem given the numerous beverages available a typical bokina bay beverage is banji or palm wine which is fermented palm sap and zomcom or green water purportedly the national drink of burkina faso zomcom is milky looking in whitish having a water and cereal base best drunk with ice cubes in the more raw regions in the outskirts of burkina you would find dolo which is a drink made from fermented millet from its first collection of dishes to its large array of beverages talk less of its international dishes burkina faso can be called the witch pot away from your kitchen.

10 Booking the faso is played with hunger as food insecurity is a problem according to the global hunger index a multi-dimensional tool used to measure and track a country's hunger levels booking the first around 65 out of 78 countries in 2013. it is estimated that there are currently over 1.5 million children who are at risk of food insecurity in burkina faso and only 11.4 of children under the age of 2 received the daily recommended number of meals these food problems were as a result of the damage caused by the dutenga floods in 2007 as well as geographic and environmental causes ranging from severe flooding to extreme drought the unpredictable climatic shock also renders its crabs vulnerable to insect attacks including attacks from lakas and crickets which destroy crops and further inhibits food production not only is most of the population of burkina faso dependent on agriculture as a source of income but they also rely on the agricultural sector for food that will directly fit the household due to the vulnerability of agriculture more and more families are having to look for other sources of non-farm income and often have to travel outside of the original zone to find work that is why the country has a large jaspar population with technological advancements and new farming methods these problems are gradually being addressed there you have it displaced those are 10 things you probably didn't know about burkina faso thanks for watching this Article.

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