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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mauritania

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Mauritania

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Welcome to another informative Article presented to you and thanks for watching in this Article we will take a look at a nation referred to as the eye of africa mauritania the islamic republic of mauritania is a country in north west africa it is the 11th largest sovereign state in africa and it is bordered by the atlantic ocean to the west western sahara to the north and northwest algeria to the north east mali to the east and south east and synagogue to the southwest the country derives its name from the ancient baba kingdom of mauritania which existed from the 3rd century bce into the 7th century ce in the modern day morocco and west algeria the capital and largest city is nuaghot located on the atlantic coast which is home to around one-third of the country's 4.4 million people you might have known all of this about mauritania but then there are still aspects of the eye of africa that you had no clue of certainly hence in this Article we shall bring to you the 10 things you probably did not know about mauritania if you're new here welcome be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our videos without any further ado here are 10 things you didn't know about Mauritania.

1 Mauritania over 40 percent of mauritanians leave below the poverty line despite an abundance of natural resources such as an iron ore fish and oil mauritania remains poor the country's economy is based on agriculture and livestock and major industries are based on its natural resources based particularly on iron ore petroleum and fishing after becoming independent from france in 1960 mauritania's independence has been characterized by recurring coups and periods of military rule which has left the nation at a low rate the most recent of such cool led by general mohammed old abdel aziz was in 2008. mauritanians depend heavily on iron ore and exports fishing and offshore oil wells for its economic progress in addition to an ore mauritania's other natural resources include gold gypsum phosphate diamonds copper and oil but the political climate combined with other factors we will examine as we progress in this video has left the country at its knees hence most of its citizens still live on less than a dollar a day.

2 Mauritania's educational system is derived from the french system of education france's colonial influence is apparent in mauritania's education system that follows the francophone system primary school covers six years and begins at age six followed by seven years of secondary education which leads the secondary education diploma diploma caloria de la ceremony second day back mauritania's university of newark shorts offers two-year diploma programs diploma the two universities general also called d-a-u-j followed by two additional years for the matrice since 1999 all teaching in the first year of primary school is in modern standard arabic french is introduced in the second year and is used to teach all scientific courses and of recent the use of english is increasing mauritania has universities such as the university of north shore and other institutions of higher education but a majority of highly educated mauritanians have studied outside the country.

3 Mauritania punishes atheism by death mauritania is almost 100 percent muslim with most inhabitants are daring to the sunni denomination the sufi orders the tiaradinia and the cordelia have great influence not only in the country but in morocco algeria senegal and other neighborhood countries as well the roman catholic diocese of north shorts founded in 1965 serves the 4 500 catholics in mauritania who for the most part are foreign residents from west africa and europe there are extreme restrictions on freedom of religion and believe in mauritania as it is one of the 13th countries in the world which punishes atheism by death on 27th of april 2018 the national assembly passed a law that makes death the penalty mandatory for anyone convicted of blasphemous speech and acts deemed sacrilegious the new law eliminates the possibility under article 306 of substituting prison terms for the death penalty for certain apostasy-related crimes if the offender promptly repents the law also provides for a sentence of up to two years in prison and a fine of more than ten thousand dollars for offending public indecency and islamic values and for breaching allah's prohibitions or assisting in their breach.

4 Mauritania is one of the last countries to abolish slavery many nations in africa made it a point to avoid slavery in their various nations after seeing the great consequences it brought to the nations during the slave trade period as well as the act of owning slaves in their various nations as many nations were on the craze to ban the barbaric act mauritania took a backstage approach to the situation it passed a law in 1981 to abolish slavery but then following up on implementation of this law was a far-fetched theory to the mauritanian law enforcement bureau as we will discover in due course of this Article.

5 Mauritania is mostly desert approximately 90 percent of mauritania's land is within the sahara consequently the population is concentrated in the south where precipitation is slightly higher as a result of extended severe drought the desert has been expanding since the mid-1960s the plateaus gradually descended toward the northeast to the bayern el dove or empty quarter a vast region of large sand dunes that merges into the sara desert so the west between the ocean and the plateaus are alternating areas of clay yeah plains and sand dunes some of which shift from place to place gradually moved by high winds the genes generally increase in size and mobility towards the north belts of natural vegetation corresponding to the rainfall pattern extend from east to west and range from traces of the tropical forest along the senegal river to brush and savannah in the southeast but only sandy desert is found in the center and north of the country.

6 The economy is slow despite potentials despite being rich natural resources mauritania has a low gdp the majority of the population still depends on agriculture and livestock for a livelihood even though most of the nomads and many subsistence farmers were forced into the cities by recurring drought in the 1970s and 1980s mauritania has extensive deposits of iron ore which account for most 50 of total exports gold and copper mining companies are opening mines in the interior in recent years drought and economic mismanagement have resulted in a build up of foreign debts oil was discovered in mauritania in 2001 in the offshore cinquelty field and although should have significant potentials for the improvement of the material economy its overall influence is difficult to predict mauritania has been described as a desperately poor desired nation which straddles the arab and african worlds and is africa's newest if not small-scale or producer there may be additional oil reserves inland in the taudeni basin although the harsh environment will make extraction expensive.

7 Human rights abuses are rampant in mauritania the abdullahi government was widely perceived as corrupt and restricted access to government information sexism racism female genital mutilation child labour human trafficking and the political marginalization of largely southern based ethnic groups continued to be problems following the 2008 school the military government of mauritania faced severe international sanctions and internal unrest amnesty international accused of practicing coordinated torture against criminal and political detainees amnesty has accused the mauritanian legal system both before and after the 2008 school of functioning with complete disregard for legal procedure fairtrade or humane imprisonment the organization has said that mauritanian government has practiced institutionalized and continuous use of torture throughout its post-independence history under all its leaders mauritanian blogger mohammed shaikh old was sentenced to death after he wrote an article critical of religion and the case system in mauritania he is a designated prisoner of conscience by amnesty international in july 29 2019 the government finally released muhammad muntait after a long campaign from rights groups to release him he left mauritania never to return and is now living in europe.

8 Modern slavery exists in mauritania despite the fact that in 1981 mauritania made slavery illegal being the last country in the world to do so as we saw earlier slavery is far from non-existent practiced in mauritania tens of thousands of people mostly from the minority heritage or afromoritanian groups still live as bonded laborers domestic servants or child brides local rights groups estimate that also 20 percent of the population are enslaved with one in two hierarchies forced to work on farms or in homes with no possibility of freedom education or pay slavery has a long history in this north african desert nation for centuries arabic speaking most raided african villages resulting in a rigid caste system that still exists to this day with darker skinned inhabitants beholden to their lighter skinned masters slave status is passed down from murder to child and anti-slavery activists are regularly detained and tortured yet the government routinely denies that slavery exists in mauritania instead praising itself for eradicating the practice the u.s state department of 2010 human rights report states government efforts were not sufficient to enforce the anti-slavery law no cases have been successfully prosecuted under the anti-slavery law despite the fact that de facto slavery exists in mauritania only one person or monolining means bakaval has been prosecuted for owning slaves and she was sentenced to six months in jail in january 2011. in 2012 a government minister stated that slavery no longer exists in mauritania however according to the walk free foundation's global slavery index there were an estimated ninety thousand enslaved people in mauritania in 2018 or around two percent of the population.

9 Food challenges exist in mauritania mauritania is an arid nation placed by constant severe droughts although it has made significant improvement in reducing poverty and chronic malnutrition its rapidly growing population still faces major challenges including food insecurity malnutrition and land degradation about a quarter of the population live in poverty and malnutrition remains widespread with 90 percent of agricultural production subsistence based large numbers of people being vulnerable to the effects of events such as drought floods and local invasions all of which are made worse by rapid soil erosion and desertification due to climate change a series of major droughts in 2011 2014 and 2017 weakened communities and damaged ecosystems forcing many people to cope by eating less and poorer quality food and selling livestock are less than its market value world food program has been working in mauritania since 1964 providing relief assistance livelihood support and humanitarian air services today welfare program is addressing the causes of vulnerability while working with the government towards achieving its aims of reducing food insecurity to under five percent eradicating severe food insecurity and reducing global acute malnutrition to under 2 percent by 2030.

10 Mauritania is one of the world's ship's symmetry mauritania's bay of nwadipu heights one of the biggest ship symmetries in the world there are more than 300 wrecks from all nations beached permanently on its shores these ships faced their dome on these shores due to turbulent climate and have not left because of the nature of nuadibu hence if you are in africa and you wish to check out the resting place of some of the world's retired ships just head out towards the bay of nadibu and you are bound to have an unforgettable memory there you have it explorers those were the top 10 things you probably did not know about mauritania thanks for watching this Article.

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