Hello Friends:
Welcome to Countries Facts so Today in this Article I will show you the whole history of Ethiopia is Africa and here is Ethiopia now come on let's have a look shall we Ethiopia that symphony of mountain jungle desert and monsoon in the Horn of Africa has a very ancient history it's beginning stretch back before memory two successive epochs of stone until Times myopia becomes a less severe and we find the ancient inhabitants of the second millennium BC plowing the fields and reaping harvests of cereal grain in the early first millennium BC we see northern Ethiopia forming part of the Iron Age Darmouth Kingdom its capital likely being in yaja not to be confused with no ha it traded with southern Arabia a Messing wealth by selling gold ivory slaves tortoise shells and rhinoceros horns upon its decline it fell into fragmentation one of the fragments steadily bulking up over time and becoming the mighty empire of Aksum it built up its wilf by gaining the monopoly of local trade routes and red seed trade with Rome and other states Exim is most famous today for its monumental obelisks or steely particularly those constructed in the 4th century by King Azana who is the first African King to accept Christianity thanks to the efforts of frumenty us here from the city of Tyre who was instrumental in spreading the gospel to the people and to this day Christianity remains the majority religion in Ethiopia in the 6th century King Khalid invaded Yemen to protect the Christians from being persecuted by the Jewish King ruling there the exum Empire began to diminish after war with Persia a process that accelerated with the rise of Islam in the 7th century the Arabs taking control of the red sea severing a key source of the exo might economy Aksum was replaced sometime in the 10th century by the mysterious saga a kingdom celebrated for its magnificent subterranean rock-cut churches this one here is dedicated to saint george remarkable architectural accomplishments that have been attributed to the reign of King Lalibela who wished to build another Jerusalem after hearing about the Muslim recapture of the holy city in 1187 the saga a dynasty was followed by the Solomonic dynasty with conquering King Yokohama Locke who claimed a descent from the xm8 monarchs of old who were themselves believed to be descended from the Queen of Sheba and Israel's King Solomon whatever their pedigree the Solomonic emperors assured ethiopia in two times of newfound power and greatness much of this was due to the conquests of unless a on the first who conquered big chunks of land and rested to trade routes away from Muslims and spread Christianity into neighboring regions troubled times arose in the reign of Darwin the second as the Somali adal sultanate evaded causing much destruction and misery and coming close to snatching up all Ethiopia but luckily Darwin had made allies with Portugal who sent help and Ethiopia defeated the Somalis in battle and the country was saved both Christian and Muslim lands were weakened and into the vacuum stepped the aura more people bringing about a big cultural demographic shift and the Oromo are today the biggest ethnic group in multi-ethnic Ethiopia Revo the Spaniard Ignatius Loyola founder of the Jesuit Order sent missionaries to Ethiopia to turn the people towards Catholicism this effort succeeded in getting Suzanne Yost's the first to convert in 1622 but the whole thing was resented by the Orthodox Ethiopians and naturally violence ensued and Catholicism ultimately did not supplant the traditional church a cultural peak was attained after Emperor fussy lettis established a new capital and for over a century had flourished as a center of art literature and education a considerable building program overlapped with heated theological debates a final blossoming of culture occurred under Empress mental Wahb but the Empire was being dented and damaged through ethnic infighting and disunity and a near century of division and anarchy ensued in which the nation was split into small warring States but one man sought to change this further as the second above all he wanted Ethiopia to be unified and strong and modern born into a harsh time of conflict he employed his experience in warfare to crush his rivals and assert his power over various segments of the disjointed state but his dream was not shared by others and he faced constant backstabbing and disloyalty at court while he was off campaigning against domestic rivals as well as outside Islamic invasions in 1862 he sent an offer of Alliance to Britain's Queen Victoria which proposed a combined effort to destroy Islam his message was hindered in the red tape of British circumlocution office bureaucracy has something not worth bothering about as the British for economic reasons had no interest in launching a modern crusade when terrorists finally received this unwelcome reply he imprisoned the British envoy and added him to his growing number of incarcerated Europeans the British Empire responded by invading and crushing him while Taurus had failed in fulfilling his dream the vision didn't die and was taken up by a honnest fourth who had more luck in expanding and defending his dominions the situation improved further and a mini leak ii who is considered the architect of modern ethiopia he went forth and conquered and consolidated and founded the modern capital and promoted modernization and when war arrived with invading Italy Ethiopia shock to the world by winning shaving a great victory over their outnumbered opponents in the Battle of odd WA the 1920s saw economic progress thanks to coffee exports the coffee plant originated in Ethiopia by the way and 1930 saw the coronation of Haley Selassie a giant figure in his nation's history he had been pushing modernization since 1916 when he was regent and things were looking good in our look an angry Italian yes Mussolini's Italy suddenly and unexpectedly invaded Ethiopia in 1935 and it was war this time the Italians came with aircraft and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and by early 1937 Italy had conquered the country Silesia went into exile in England and gave a passionate speech at the League of Nations which made him world famous but did not garner the help he wanted for his nation meanwhile the Italians abolished slavery which had stubbornly lingered - despite several Ethiopian efforts to quash it and invested in infrastructure but many Ethiopians took up arms to resist their occupiers and the Italians dealt with them brutally after the assassination attempt of this guy the subsequent Italian crackdowns saw a mass slaughter of suspected in subordinates perhaps as many as 30,000 people were killed as the Second World War heated up Britain found itself fighting Italy in Africa and Halley Selassie was right there with them eager to reclaim his throne which he did in 1941 after the British were victorious Selassie was keen on adding Eritrea to his nation with its valuable coastline on the Red Sea and succeeded in gaining it in 1952 now as popular as Selassie was in the outside world the Rastafarians of Jamaica worshipped him as the Messiah he was increasingly viewed with disfavor by his own people human rights in Ethiopia were poor there was a war with Somalia and Eritrea and poor management and drought and there was a lack of reforms and it all bubbled up into a boiler there was a communist government takeover in 1974 with a guy called mungus tor gaining power as dictator soon after what followed was several years of blood and hunger as red terror swept over the nation thousands upon thousands of supposed sticked enemies were butchered and tortured and so-called land reforms and love stopped production quotas then Somalia invaded that Ethiopia defeated them in the or garden war but there wasn't a whole lot to celebrate in the 1980s when a terrible famine saw a million people plus died with distended rumbling Billy's in the dust by the early 1990s the communist regime was weakening mungus still fled the country Eritrea won its independence and democracy returned with millas and are we leading the country his death in 2012 the economy had begun picking up steam not helped by another war with Eritrea but as it revived the country's human rights record worsened with violence frequently used to suppress dissent against the government mass protests seeking reform erupted in 2016 causing the prime minister to resign he was followed by RB Ahmed and don't be fooled by his name he's a Pentecostal Christian he promised hope and delivered to the extent that he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 having overseen several reforms and pushed for religious harmony and freed thousands of Eritrean political prisoners and signed a peace treaty agreement with Eritrea of course there remains a lot of work to do the nation is still ranked low in the Human Development Index but one can't expect overnight improvements in a country that has suffered so horrific aliy as Ethiopia has and improvements are being made and let's hope they continue and continue until they win the race as so many races have been won by Ethiopians among the greatest long-distance runners in the world so best of luck to Ethiopia but as for me it's bye for now bye bye.