Hello Friends:
Welcome to Countries Facts so Today in this Article I will show you the whole history of Kenya is africa and here's kenya now let's have a look shall we the tale of kenya stretches back to the sunrise of the human story and its first inhabitants were hunters scouring the sweeping simmering landscapes for their meat as the slow slow centuries slinked by one after the other different peoples migrated into the land bringing with them an alternative to hunting pastoralism the art of herding and shepherding livestock more centuries slithered away as still other people slipped into the land bantu speakers from the west who brought their knowledge of farming and metalworking into the land the bantu took a liking to the coastal region which became a prominent hub of trade in what became known as the swahili coast contact with arabians brought the religion of islam to the locality and one of the area's major ports was located in kenya the city of mombasa built around the year 900 mombasa's mercantile reach extended as far away as india and china amassing wealth from the export of products ranging from ivory to sesame seeds in 1498 the portuguese stopped by on route to india and clearly liked what they saw for a few years later they were establishing their presence in the region a presence that was cemented by the enormous forta jesus built in 1593 to safeguard portuguese territorial domination which lasted for over a hundred years in the 1690s however the arabs of oman besieged the fort for nearly three years and finally won expelling the portuguese and assuming command the omanis increased the slave trade that was going on desirous of free labor for their clove plantations and delving deeper into kenya for that purpose meanwhile in the mid-1700s the maasai migrated into the land cattle herders and great warriors who would come to dominate the vast expanse of the great rift valley as well as neighboring lands and if you ever want to know how stretchy your earlobes can be look no further than a maasai woman can you believe it sorry had to use that one anyway slavery sadly persisted in the country under omani rule well into the 19th century though the british made efforts to restrain it and in 1846 the german linguist johann ludwig came to kenya as a missionary he explored the country and translated the bible into swahili today christianity is the majority religion in kenya though the germans had vested interests in the country it was the british who gained control of it in the latter 19th century to more efficiently link their colonial holdings british built the uganda railway using workers from what's now pakistan and set about constructing what would later become kenya's capital nairobi of course a number of kenyan tribes were hostile to british rule such as the kikuyu the kamba and most fiercely the nundy but to no avail european settlers began setting up farms though industry was disrupted by world war one in 1920 kenya was officially made a colony and still more settlers arrived to farm one of whom was the danish writer khan blixen who wrote about her experiences in the book out of africa now the colonial endeavor had dispossessed many native kenyans of immense slices of land who were not being represented in the governing of their own country and there was a lot of anger and resentment brewing which in 1952 boiled up into the mao mao uprising the kikuyu people along with representatives of other ethnicities revolted against british rule led by didan kimadi a grisly horrible conflict noted for atrocities on both sides the british eventually managed to quash the rebellion which subsided after the execution of kimadi in 1957. though relative quiet was restored it was clear things had to change and they did in 1963 the push for independence succeeded and kenya was free jamal kenyatta becoming first president kenyatta a conservative and anti-communist oversaw a time of economic growth but also a controversial land distribution scheme that stoked ethnic tensions favored tribes being given more land or other tribes lands and so on there were also conflicts with the somali minority in the north which spilled into the next president's term now kenya had been under one party rule for decades and the road to a more free form of democracy was a bumpy one to say the least all sorts of ethnic political violence accompanied the path to a coalition government but it happened at last and a new constitution was drafted and today kenya with its medium level of human development has seen many improvements and possesses the largest economy in east africa but what looms ahead for kenya comment below but for now bye.