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Top 10 Amazing Facts About Togo

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Togo

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Welcome to another informative Article and thanks for watching in this Article we shall explore 10 things you didn't know about the beautiful country of togo turgo officially the togolese republic is a country in west africa boarded by ghana to the west benning into the east and booking alfaso to the north the country extends south to the gulf of guinea where its capital lomi is located togo covers over 57 000 square kilometers making it one of the smallest counties in africa with a population of approximately 7.9 million as well as one of the narrowest countries in the world with a width of less than 115 kilometers between ghana and its slightly larger eastern neighbor benin togo is a tropical sub-saharan nation whose economy depends highly on agriculture with a climate that provides good growing seasons jogo is a member of the united nations african union organization of islamic corporation south atlantic peace and cooperation zone francophone and economy community of west african states if you're new here welcome be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our Article togo might be one of the most hidden countries in africa and much is not known about the pities in our country hence here are 10 things you probably didn't know about togo.

1 Togo was known as a slave coast between the 11th and 16th centuries various tribes such as those from ghana and nigeria entered the region with more settling in the coastal areas for the next 200 years the coast became a major center for european slave trade and earned togo under nearby areas the reputation as a slave coast the mina from ghana were the most victimized by the slave trade.

2 Togo had one of the longest seating dictators in modern history after world war one row over togo was transferred to france but gained its independence from france in 1960. sylvanus olympio brought independence to togo as prime minister and then president soldiers working for sergeant 18 ayadema gyaksimbe later assassinated him in a military coup on january 13 1963 after the assassination the head of the interruption committee emmanuel buccioli appointed nicolas grunitsky president however four years later grunitsky was overthrown in a non-violent school by ayande magnasimbi ayadema africa's longest sitting dictator then ruled as president for 38 years until his death on february 5th 2005. in 1993 during his reign the european union cut off aid due to human rights concerns.

3 Ghana originated from former togoland in 1884 germany signed a treaty at togoville under the king mlappa the third which declared togolan a protectorate that stretched from the coast inland this became the german colony of togolan in 1905. after germany was defeated in world war one britain and france administered togolan as two league of nations mandates the mandates became un trust territories after world war ii praised dogoland joined the gold coast which in 1957 became the independent nation of ghana in 1959 french togoland became an autonomous republic of the french union until its independence in 1960.

4 The political system of togo is disturbing after a yandere bag nasib's death in 2005 his son faure ignacibe was installed by the military as president but this led to an international outcry however franz abdullah iwadi of senegal olusegun obasanjo of nigeria and other selected african leaders were supportive of the move which led to opposition within the african union fare nasibe responded by stepping down but calling for elections two months later while he won the elections there were claims by the opposition of election fraud violence followed as a result of the elections with more than 400 people being killed as an estimated 40 000 people fleeing to nearby countries the country's reputation was again shaky in the international community as its promises in 2004 to the european union to establish democracy seem to be in doubt.

5 Togo's economy has been greatly affected by political strife turko's economy is small and depends largely on subsistence and commercial agriculture when harvests are normal sugar is self-sufficient for basic food goods with only occasional regional supply difficulties phosphate mining used to be the primary industrial activity but due to increased foreign competition and the collapse of world phosphate prices turtle has been relying more on exports of cement and clinker to nearby countries the economic reforms and foreign investments supported by the government world bank and imf have stalled several setbacks in the early 1990s such as strikes and political unrest hurt economic growth by shrinking the tax base and disrupting the economy the defilation of the currency in 1994 allowed structural adjustments which were brought about by political stability returning the regime depends on the armed forces to maintain its power however a possible downsize and increased openness in government may be necessary for progress to continue.

6 Togo is one of the few african countries in which both christianity and muslim are both minority religions of the 40 ethnic groups in togo the main groups are the capi in the north which account for 22 percent of the population then chamba and kotocoli in the center are the largest group the euro and the south account for 46 percent of togo the area make up 21 of the population on the southern coast and some consider the ouachi as a subgroup of the eu while the french government considers them separate and divided the uae and watching in 1955. another 8 percent are made up of the mossi mina and the arch groups and the remaining 1 are europeans who are there for economic reasons or act as diplomats the largest religious group consists of those with indigenous beliefs and there are significant christian and muslim minorities 29 of the population is christian and 20 percent is muslim however despite this influences over half of the population 51 percent practice indigenous beliefs and native animistic practices.

7 Half of togo leaves below the poverty line economics play a role in the health of the population with roughly half living below the international poverty line and a health expenditure at eight percent of the gdp according to 2014 figures the infant mortality rate is at four to six point seven three deaths per one thousand live birds and life expectancy at birth is 53.34 for males and 66.71 from females these issues are all a derivative of the political instability of the country as years of practically low economic activities fighting has led to such a poor state of the country even the education system in togo has struggled with teacher shortages lower quality in rural areas and high dropout rates and great repetition all caused by the insurgents of the country.

8 Two of togo's indigenous languages are nationally official togo is a multilingual country and according to ethnologists 39 distinct languages are spoken in the country many of them by communities that number fewer than 100 000 members of the 39 languages the sole official language is french true spoken indigenous languages ue and kabir which are the two most spoken languages are designated politically as national languages in 1975. french is used in formal education legislature all forms of media administration and commerce uae is a language of wider communication in the south term functions to a limited extent as a trade language in some northern towns officially iwa and kabir and national languages which in the togolese context means languages that are promoted in formal education and use in the media.

9 Togo's cultural heritage is very rare and rich with over 40 ethnic groups and foreign influence togo is a melange of numerous cultural blessings and intricacies culture and indigenous beliefs are displayed through artwork such as statuary wood carvings and haunting trophies rather than the more common african mosques the female statutes of the eway are created for the worship of the ibegi another prominent example is the change of marriage would covering from the artisanal center of kloto which uses only one piece of hood to show two characters connected through rings they also use dyed fabric buttocks to create colorful stylized depictions of the average day of their ancestors also famous at the ceremonial lawn clothes of the weavers of assange the wind-swept arid lands inspired penta soque edo finally one can see the pyro engraving zota plastic works for internationally recognized technician paul ai in the capital city of lome.

10 Togo is not free togo was labeled not free by freedom house from 1972 to 1998 and again from 2002 to 2006 and has been categorized as partly free from 1999 to 2001 and again from 2007 to the present it has very serious and long-standing human rights problems and according to a usda department's report based on conditions in 2010 the long list includes security forced use of excessive force including torture which resulted in debt and injuries official impunity harsh and life-threatening prison conditions arbitrary arrest and detention lengthy pre-trial detention executive influence over the judiciary infringement of citizens private rights restrictions on freedom of the press assembly and movement official corruption discrimination and violence against women child abuse including female genital mutilation and sexual exploitation of children ethnic discrimination trafficking in persons especially women and children societal discrimination against persons with disabilities societal discrimination against persons with hiv and forced labor including children there you have it displayers those.

10 things you probably didn't know about turgot thanks for watching this video and if you did enjoy this Article do all to give it a thumbs up and do not forget to subscribe and share with your friends.

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