Hello Guys:
Welcome to Countries Facts so today in this Article I will show you the whole history of Benin isn't known as there wasn't writing but the people were there various tribes of the hunting and farming yams from the Niger River through the humid tangled rainforests to the baobab and scrub studded Savannah most prominent among the early political palace was the Oh yo Empire of the Yoruba people of the Oh yo were rather militant and tended to fight with everything they had as unsuccessful generals were expected to commit suicide something of a rival to the Oh yo were the fun people who had migrated into Beni and set up the Dom a Empire with its capital at a bomb at the Dowell make Kings raked in a lot of wealth by trade with European colonial powers what did they trade people they raided various locales and rounded up the captives for sale this included practitioners of the beninese Vodun religion which was taken over to Haiti where it became known as Lu do in 1823 Dao may under King Jizo had become powerful enough to take on the oil Empire beating them in battle and thus extending their reach into acquiring more slaves though suffered defeats the Dow may Empire was particularly pugnacious even having a Richmond of women warriors called Amazon's by the Europeans King G so was eventually forced by Britain to stop trading slaves in 1852 so he used slaves to produce palm oil for export instead the French were worried Britain had colonial interests in the region and after the second Franco Dao may and war conquered been long in 1892 and it became part of French West Africa Christianity and Western ways spread in the south but the north was Muslim Benin gained its independence in 1960 and over a decade of conflict coos and economic commotion followed then in 1972 Matthew J Haku carried out another coup assuring the people he wouldn't be forcing foreign ideas like communism on them then he forced communism on them jittery foreign investors fled the economy suffered and communism was abandoned by 1990 this guy did his best to fix things but progress was slow and Carriacou returned to rule till 2006 this gentleman followed him who was succeeded by a man who allegedly once tried to poison him while Benin's economy much of which is based on cotton has been growing so has the number of people in poverty and less than half the population can read and write the government is busy trying to remedy the obstacles to binamis prosperity and is focusing on more investment in the tourism sector so good luck to you Benin we wish you well but as for me it's bye for now