Hello Guys:
Welcome to countries Facts so today in this Article I will show you the whole history of Haiti this is the caribbean and here's haiti now let's go shall we haiti in the taino language means land of tall mountains and consists of the western third of the island we call hispaniola for thousands of years the arawak taino people dwelt hunted farmed and fought in the tumbling valleys and under mist-skirted peaks then their world as they knew it wilted away with the arrival of the europeans columbus claimed it for spain in 1492 and left a contingent of settlers who all ended up slaughtered by the taino but if the natives thought problems solved they couldn't have been more mistaken the spaniards returned subjugated them and then made them extricate all the rock embedded riches they could from assorted gold mines and after exhausting the stores of that precious metal largely abandoned the island leaving it in a most ravaged and desolate condition its indigenous residence decimated by introduced disease so haiti sorrowed in the sun as bit by bit the french began setting up shop on its shores in 1697 the french occupation of the western bit of the island was formally recognized by spain and many thousands of african slaves were shipped over to labor on plantations of coffee and sugar it was called sandhumanga and it became an enormously profitable region the condition of the slaves was far from ideal however horrendous in fact and the wind from europe brought whispers of new ideas of liberty and the rights of man and the colony was tense with resentment between class and race and then one summer night in 1791 a voodoo ceremony and thunderstorm called for revolt and it happened the haitian revolution began with uprisings of slaves against their owners and it escalated from there fueled by a frenzied hunger for vengeance plantations were set ablaze their proprietors murdered and slaves were unshackled across the land france itself was in the middle of its own revolution and things were very muddled and amid the caribbean chaos one man rose to dominance as his customary usa a formidable military commander who bit by bit asserted his authority until the entire island was under his rule meanwhile napoleon had taken control of france and sent a force to get the lucrative colony back the troops were soon decimated by disease but after months of fighting louverture surrendered and was permitted to retire but then the french changed their minds and arrested him he died in prison the following year the fighting went on with jean-jacques dessaline decisively defeating the french at the battle of vertier and proclaiming the independence of haiti on the first day of 1804 with himself as its emperor dessaline then ordered the remaining whites to be exterminated and himself ended up assassinated in 1806. haiti then split in two with different leaders until jean-pierre united the country again and even took control of the spanish bit of the island the future dominican republic nevertheless the people feared the french would return and were eager to settle things via negotiation france agreed to recognize haiti's independence at a price haiti was ordered to pay a massive amount of money to france and boise said okay and haiti has been impoverished ever since the dominicans gained independence from haiti in 1844 and haitian attempts to get it back only failed unhappy haiti underwent many years of political misfortune and diplomatic humiliation alongside its debilitating debt payments then in 1915 the us invaded and occupied it why well america was concerned over the widespread insurgency and growing german influence and interest in haiti so in went the marines and the haitians were not exactly overjoyed though the americans built quite a lot of stuff anyway the us withdrew its forces in 1934 and haitians went back to running things then in 1937 the dominican dictator next door expressed his displeasure at the haitians living in his country by ordering them all killed all right now for some good news the 1950s saw a time of increased tourism and well no that's about it back to the bad news 1957 saw dr francois duvalier elected president better known as papadoc he rose to power by harnessing the long-standing racial discontent present in haiti the country was largely run by the urban moleto class while the black haitian majority were mostly rural farmers and considerably poorer papaduck promoted the cause of the majority but also made sure to promote himself and formed a viciously effective paramilitary the tanto makot to intimidate enemies and crush opposition he even claimed to have killed u.s president john f kennedy by a voodoo curse anyway after thousands of murders and lots of corruption and repression he died and was followed by his son nicknamed babydoc and things didn't get much better and popular resentment eventually compelled him to step down and go into exile in france in 1986 when a left-wing reformist priest was elected whose policies threatened the elite a 1991 military coup kicked him out this ultimately prompted us intervention in operation uphold democracy and in stepped 20 000 troops and arrested was reinstated and promptly disbanded the haitian military while international aid increased and reforms were attempted things just wouldn't go right crime increased poverty expanded and tropical storms struck one after the other so the un went in with the brazilian army to keep order with mixed results then there was a magnitude 7 earthquake that killed over a hundred thousand people then amid the recovery a cholera epidemic broke out and another hurricane hit and then another and then another but none of this stopped haitian novelist dimitri elias from writing a book called god loves haiti and kanye west is interested in building a city of the future in this troubled but undeniably beautiful land now the question is what awaits haiti in the days and years ahead comment below but for now bye-bye.