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100 Interesting Facts About Canada

100 Interesting Facts About Canada

Hello Guys:
Welcome to Countries Facts so today I'm talking about top 100 interesting facts about Canada here to talk to you a  Canada a bhoot see what I did there but it got a racist sorry that's right the land of maple syrup handsome Prime Minister's and the land of the beaver no snickering into thank you but how oh how did Canada's coins become known as loonies and toonies how did a cliff formation in Alberta get its name from a horrific and gruesome death and how many times did I break down and cry while listening to Celine Dion's my heart will go on to prepare for this Article here's a hint more than I should have done to either three of those questions going to be answered so strap on your seat belt apologize to the seatbelts describing it into heart and grab a big gulp of Tim Hortons coffee because this is 100 facts about Canada.

1 The name Canada comes from isn't Laurent error coin word kanata which means village or settlement this turned out to be somewhat of an understatement because dot dot dot for premise.

2 One of the first things you should realize is that Canada is that it's huge it's the second largest country by total area and the fourth largest by land area covering nine point nine eight million square kilometers.

3 If you are somehow struggling to grasp the sheer enormity of Canada you should know that Canada spans across not one not two not even three four or five but six time zones.

4 Canada also has the world's largest coastline at 200 2080 kilometers that's almost four times longer than the cosine of the second place country Indonesia which has a coastline measuring a measly fifty four thousand seven hundred and sixteen kilometers get it together Indonesia now just getting size of a matter I've been up heard.

5 Canada is home to the world's northernmost permanently inhabited place the aggressively named alert found in the territory of Nunavut the temperature in alert only rises above freezing in the summer summer summer time descending in the winter to a truly horrifying average temperature of around minus forty degrees as such the population of alert is quite understandably a tiny probably constantly shivering sixty-two people.

6 Canada has the longest binational land border which it shares with the United States who understand love a good border it measures in at eight thousand eight hundred ninety one kilometers long motive which is made up of the border between Canada and the American state of Alaska.

7 Despite Canada being absolutely chuffing massive the vast majority of Canadians live within a couple hundred kilometers of this border probably due to the fact that anywhere further north Ernest is genital shrinking leak.

8 The capital city of Canada is Ottawa home to a population of around nine hundred thirty four thousand people despite being the capital Ottawa is not the largest Canadian city and is in fact the fifth come on off to work together.

9 The name Ottawa comes from the a nationality word meaning trade or exchange and is rather disappointingly nothing to do with authors oh man I love Fox it's what we're going to do with this picture of offers now ah let's look at it for a sec okay let's move on.

10 The largest city in Canada attached to the Toronto home of two million ten hundred thirty one thousand five hundred and seventy one people Toronto is also the birthplace of rapper Drake are these facts related you decide.

11 Toronto actually used to be called York not first New York now this what is it with North Americans always stealing our place names.

12 Canada is officially bilingual with both English and French having equal status at the federal level across Canada as well as a lot of people's tongues English is the mother tongue of approximately 60% of the people whereas what France say is the mother tongue of around 20 percent of the population as their tongues any time now thanks Willa.

13 Before the arrival of European colonizers in the early sixteenth century Canada had been inhabited by indigenous people for thousands of years these people are generally split into three groups First Nations Inuit and Metis and together they spoke over 60 different languages from ten separate language families and this was way way way before Google translate remember so life must have been incredibly difficult you'd be asking someone for soup than accidentally asking to rot with our owns or something.

14 The First Nations are Canadians from indigenous groups south of the Arctic Circle in fact there are 634 recognized First Nations communities across Canada.

15 Leading north we find the Inuit people who has spread across several countries in the Arctic Circle and agriculture was never really an option in the freezing climates of the Inuit home unless they were farming for ice Inuit culture is very heavily centered around a proud hunting tradition of core.

16 The mateesah Canadiens of mixed indigenous and European heritage actually the word Metis simply means mixed these mixed communities tended to marry among themselves and they probably held a hell of a flash to eventually developing a distinct cultural identity of their own good for them.

17 The Nunavut territory in northern Canada was only created in 1999 back when Prince was partying and prior to that it was included entirely in the north western territories this was done to give the native Inuit population more autonomy over their affairs.

18 You know the most recently created Canadian province or territory which is new route remember accounts for over a fifth of the nation's entire land area making about 210 times the size of Canada's smallest province or territory Prince Edward Island if Nunavut was its own country it would be the 15th largest country on the planet once again Canada is very very big they just don't flaunt it very often probably out of politeness or something.

19 A first Prime Minister of Canada was John aim Donald who served as the nation's leader twice first between 1867 and 1873 and then again between 1858 and 1991 he is remembered fondly for having a farm um nope sorry laugh the other MacDonald he is remembered fondly for helping form modern-day Canada and remembered less fondly for his party taking bribes from railway companies and his insistence that french-speaking resistance leader Louis Riel be executed don't mess with MacDonald's farm.

20 The current Prime Minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau what a train boat who is the oldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau making him the first Canadian Prime Minister to be related to a former holder of the post in case you're thinking that's false it's actually Trudeau.

21 Justin Trudeau was also the first president he was actually born in the capital of Ottawa the more you know.

22 As far as we know Justin Trudeau was the only Canadian Prime Minister to have a tattoo which depicts the earth surrounded by Hyder Rabin the more I find out about him the tree Mir.

23 Calendar only became completely independent in 1982 with the passing of the Constitution Act prior to that the British Parliament retained the power to amend Canada's Constitution and the request of the Parliament of Canada yeah sorry we did that a lot back then.

24 Despite being a sovereign nation Canada's head of stated queen elizabeth ii who as you may or may not know lives primarily in england love you you match her decision as gas Queen is represented in Canada by Governor General a position currently held by David Johnston.

25 As mentioned previously Canada is officially bilingual at the federal level and the heart of french-speaking Canada is found in the province of Quebec the people of Quebec have a strong identity of their own so much so that there has been two separate votes are making Quebec an independent country the second of these was agonizingly close with over five million votes cast those campaigning to remain part of Canada won with a ridiculous image or attea fifty point five six percent of the vote are boy this college sections going to be fun isn't it.

26 The name Quebec comes from the Algonquin word Quebec which means where the River narrows this refers to the narrowing of the st. Lawrence River and no that's not my Saint Lawrence lovely Jen Arjun Archie narrows for no man.

27 Montreal the largest city in Quebec is the second biggest city in the world after Paris with a french-speaking population that's something an incorrect person would say this often cited Montreal factoid hadn't been true for a while as Montreal have been overtaken by two french-speaking cities in Africa pushing Montreal into fourth place federally-owned some fall Montreal.

28 All Canada's population of over 35 million people just over 7 million a native French speakers c'est bon fellas.

29 Montreal it's a very funny place I'm even laughing just saying it because it's the home of the just the last festival which is the largest International Comedy Festival in the world and no I haven't been invited the official just for last mascot is named Victor who looks like some kind of evil Mike Wazowski.

30 Both Canada and the United States both celebrate Thanksgiving Canada holds there's a few weeks earlier than the Americans on the second Monday in October this is all very confusing for those of us who don't celebrate Thanksgiving although I'm not quite as computing this of why we don't I mean I'm thankful for stuff too I like Turkey sometimes its moist wood.

31 Roughly 40% of Canada's total landmass is covered in forest tree-mendous.

32 Possibly the most famous lake monster resides in a Scottish Loch Canada has its own famous sea serpent no nerds Ogopogo supposedly living in Okanagan Lake British Columbia Olga BOGO is apparently between 15 meters and 25 meters long neighbor teddy thread Halifax the captures of the province of Nova Scotia is closer to Dublin Islands than it is to Victoria British Columbia my god stay with me Canada is big.

34 Flipping its numerous snowy hills and mountains to good use Canada holds the record for the most gold medals won by country in a Winter Olympics winning 14 medals for various forms of not falling over on slippery surfaces well done guys.

35 Canadian too stereotypically polite and slow to anger one notable exception is the popular comic book character Wolverine it was from Alberta Canada Bob he's frenemy but mostly the enemy bit Deadpool also hails from the great white north.

36 Hope Canadians may be many things but statistically speaking stupid is not one of them Canada is one of the most educated countries in the world it's the only country on earth in which more than 50% of the population is University educated show us.

37 Canadians are indeed a sporty lot too and have contributed much to the world of sport for instance basketball was invented in 1991 but Canadian James Naismith while teaching in Massachusetts originally the baskets were actual baskets with closed bottoms every time the team scored the ball had to be retrieved until someone had the bright idea to remove the bottles and baskets no doubts making the game about ten times less irritating.

38 Canada is well known for its distinctive dressed national police force known as the Mounties officially called the Royal Canadian Mounted Police they keep people in Canada safe from crime and the prospects not having fabulously attired federal law enforcement both equally important jobs.

39 In addition to being enormous cold and bilingual Canada is also pretty gosh-darn progressive in 2005 Canada became the third country in the world and a third country in the Americas to legalize same-sex marriage whoo go Canada number 40 as it bears the image of the hilarity named common loon the Canadian one dollar coin is commonly known as a loony when the $2 coin was introduced Canadians dubbed it the Tunney and imaginative fusion of the words 2 and Looney putting those university degree to good use.

40 One as the vast majority of Canadians are in fact human they require food in order not to die as a life hack Foy Canada has put its own unique twist on food resulting.

41 Delicious local dishes probably the most well known internationally is poutine which consists of fries topped with cheese curds and gravy and it's both French Canadian and origin and possibly the best freakin idea I've ever heard god Bless You Canada the meaning of life the loveable will need to poo isn't that Canadian.

42 Canadian in origin author a a mill based the adorable yellow bear on a real bear from Winnipeg Manitoba although it can't have looked exactly the same right also we need the poo doesn't exactly sound Canadian but hey who are we to judge I've never made a lovable bear.

43 In perhaps the most stereotypical facts known to man Canada is by far the world's biggest producer of maple syrup with around 70% of the planet supply coming from Quebec alone.

44 Maple trees and their delicious blood is so integral to Canadian identity that the maple leaf as well as being an ice hockey team it's considered to be one of the nation's most important symbols and features prominently on their national flag see look look very carefully there.

45 Most polar bears are Canadian around 60% of the world's polar bear population of approximately 25,000 live in Canada maybe there who would need the pee was based.

46 Canada is made up of ten provinces and 3 territories the provinces are Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec and Saskatchewan and the territories are the Northwest Territories through boot and you cog the difference between these provinces and territories are to do with Wright's territory too controlled by the federal government whereas the provincial government has far more individual control of their affairs.

47 Despite the fact that Canadian territories account for roughly 40 percent of the country's landmass only 0.3 percent of Canadians actually live there again this is probably two of the fact it's disgustingly wretchedly hellishly cold and that's coming from someone who lives in england.

48 Canada has at least 2 million lakes more than all the lakes in every other country combined which frankly seems a bit like lake overkill to me.

49 Stoners rejoice 50 second to rejoice there it slow medicinal marijuana is legal in Canada and the countries do to legalize the use of cannabis for recreational use in 2018 or 20 blazes am i doing it right.

50 The Canadian national anthem imaginatively titled Oh Canada was written in 1880 and what in French it did not become Canada's official national anthem until 1980 10 years after the government bought the rights for the song for $1 bucket.

51 Clearly Canadians love their national anthem so much so the nation's official phone number is 1-800-321-8633 hi but many others decrying Hawaiian pizza.

52 Hawaiian pizza as a hellish machination of Satan I'm a nut camp I think it's a crime against God Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who tweeted his love of Hawaiian pizza in 2017 appears to be in the former camp although this could genuinely start a civil war.

53 There's a place in Canada called dildo gonna pause for five seconds so you can make your own jokes up hard solve them okay let's move up.

54 Santa Claus is Canadian according to the Canadian immigration minister yes Santa Claus Canadian is that yes well the Easter Bunny is British and a tooth fairy's from Croydon two can play at that game buddy.

55 Canada's provinces which come from with an 80% population are governed by women whoo girl power spice up your life when two become one no that's just another high school song.

56 Canadian McDonald's sell them look lobster there it is look at that look sir looks good.

57 A 2013 study found Canadians to be the second happiest people in the world however as of 2017 four years later Canadians dropped to seventh in the happiness rankings Oh Canada Canada you okay buddy we're here if you need to talk to us about anything.

58 Stereotypically Canadians are known for their humble and polite nature often depicted as frequent apologizes and I'm sorry for that kinda determined to confirm this stereotype at all costs Canada has an apology Act which allows apologies in court to be given as a show compassion and empathy but not necessarily an admission of guilt.

59 Canada has more donut shops per capita than any other country in fact they love donuts so much lot the country itself is frosted get it with frost not sugar didn't rank very well do they get try some it.

60 Canada is the home to the trans-canada highway a transcontinental highway system that stretches an incredible eight thousand and thirty kilometers through all ten of Canada's provinces I can't help but feel a bit better as a monorail everything's better as a monorail.

61 The highest mountain in Canada is Mount Logan which isn't named after bull Vereen but stands at an impressive five thousand nine hundred fifty nine meters tall making it the second highest mountain in North America after Alaska's Denali in the year 2000 then Prime Minister Jean chrétien announced his plan to rename the mountain after former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau this plan was later abandoned however when it became clear that pretty much everybody thought it was an awful horrible not good idea.

62 In Saskatchewan hoodies uh Nona's bunny hugs are how you look at Drake in his bunny hug wait that's a skunk weird.

63 Canada itself is not an island it is home to three of the world's biggest namely Baffin Island Ellesmere Island and Victoria Island nintendo.

64 The province of Alberta is home to the curiously named head smashed in buffalo jump a cliff formation where indigenous Canadians would hunt large numbers of Buffalo in the traditional manner that is by driving them so they'd run off a cliff like lemmings legend has it that a young Blackfoot wanted to watch the Buffalo fall to their deaths from below but ended up being crushed to death underneath them when he was uncovered his head was smashed in and the name stuck Wow I found it way too happy about that sorry it's that kid.

65 Sanely we do ha ha is a parish in Quebec that has the honour of being the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name and on a seat us at 101 towers have been on this and as far as we can tell must mix really the only interesting thing about the place in fact clubs there right now when you can't find anything I just lead.

66 Two-thirds of the world supply of cesium comes from one mine in the burnick Lake Manitoba cesium ah I love that stuff on a salad no way dad Caesar oh no wait that's not even for me button salad I know nothing about salad.

67 At least 35 percent of music broadcast on Canadian radio has to be Canadian in origin or face the wrath of the law this policies known as can can't and is meant to support the work of Canadian artists wow that must be a lot of rush Drake and Celine Dion.

68 License plates in Nunavut and the northern territories used to be shaped like polar bears are however this is no longer the case I guess all good things come to an end.

69 Parents must love Canada because it was they who gave us Trivial Pursuit specifically Canadian Scott Abbott and create a knee in 1979 thanks chaps for ruining every Christmas family get-together ever.

70 Insulin a hormone produced by the pancreas love that stuff was first isolated at the University of Toronto in 1921 222 by dr. Frederick bunting great name and Charles best it even better.

71 Canadians don't exactly look like they do in South Park Sarge disappoint awkward they're flat beheads craters Matt Stone and Trey Parker revealed that when their show began to be criticized for its simplistic animation style they created Canadian character turns and Philip with deliberately simplistic head movements as a sarcastic response eventually they decided it would be funny if all Canadians in the show look similar.

72 That we do 20% of the world's fresh water is in Canada those freshwater hogging polite apologizing Canadian scumbags I can't stay mad at you.

73 Canada's national day creatively named Canada Day is celebrated on the 1st of July on the anniversary of the enactment of the Constitution Act 1867 which joined British colonies in the area into one single Dominion called Canada although Canada existed before 1867 this date is used as it commemorates an important move towards Canada status as a strong independent nation that don't need no man.

74 Nickelback are from Canada this isn't a particularly interesting fact I just thought I'd remind everyone Nickelback exists and they're not actually as bad as people saving her hey your mana brie Aurora.

75 Canada is well known for its stubborn and some would say misguided belief that milk is best stored in bags and notion regarded with mere heretical in other Western nations in much of Canada milk is stolen units of free roughly 1 litre bags that are housed in a plastic milk jug when being used or enough to make you feel physically sick.

76 Canada may provide only 70% of the world supply of maple syrup it provides 100% of the Bob supply of Justin Bieber which is better you decide if you haven't heard of Justin Bieber I can only assume you're a member of an uncontacted Amazonian tribe in which case welcome to the Internet be careful out there.

77 Canada's best-selling musician is Celine Dion who is perhaps most famous for singing the theme tune to Titanic there's my mostly singing in French and English she also sings in Spanish German Italian Japanese Latin and Mandarin Chinese wow I can barely speak English.

78 beavers are Canada's official animal symbol and are featured on the Canadian 5 cent coin and no I'm not going to make any beaver jokes I'm better than that oh nothing.

79 Canada is also home to the world's longest freshwater beach it's called Wasaga Beach in case you ever want to visit.

80 The coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada was minus 63 Celsius or minus eighty one point four Fahrenheit on February the 3rd 1957 in snag Yukon nope Newt look new to me we know I value my nipples too much.

81 Canadian actor lazing Nielsen's brother Eric was the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada for two years from 1984 to 1986 Eric said he was often mistook for his comedian brother surely it can't have been that common but call me surely he must have known where I was going with that surely.

82 There are nearly 2.5 million caribou in Canada which frankly seems like too many caribou to me oh dear.

83 The Canadian dollar is sometimes described as a petrol currency a country said to have a petrol currency when a sufficiently large proportion of their wealth comes from the sale of oil which causes the value of their currency to rise and fall with the price of oil.

84 Toronto it's home to the CN tower which was the world's tallest freestanding building until the construction of the Burj Khalifa and the Canton tower standing at a mighty 1500 15.3 feet it is now the third tallest building in the world but remains the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere spider-man would have a field day although not spider-man and you want to be scared of heights but matrix Piderman.

85 According to one study to clean the city in the world of Calgary in Alberta funnily enough though this study didn't include the presence of visible litter in its standard of clean so make it that what you will before you dine up its very streets.

86 The environmentalist organization Greenpeace began in Vancouver thanks Canada.

87 The northernmost point in Canada is cape Columbia it's the most northern point of land outside Greenland Greenland probably Sanders luxurious crib that ruin that fact for us.

88 Canada shares four of the five Great Lakes found along the border of the United States of America with Lake Michigan being located entirely within the USA damnit you say running that plan late oggi.

89 Whitehorse the capital city of Yukon not literally on Cheval Blanc is the driest city in Canada reminds me of my ex-wife actually I'm not going to go there.

90 Pokey in the cross are Canada's national sports lacrosse is thought to derive from indigenous sports from absolutely bloody ages ago which makes it really quite an old-fashioned sport old boy.

91 Violet Oh quick the Canadian motto is Amory is Quay at Marea it means from sea to sea which is kind of a weird moral really because it's not about good or evil of anything it's just the literal definition of what country is I don't need to get a better.

92 Canada has a coin that features a glow-in-the-dark dinosaur do you know you're in a fun country women are they coins basically a pod.

93 It's currently illegal for comic books in Canada to depict criminal acts however the government is probably good changes quite soon as it makes pretty much any superhero comic quite dull in what they stopping.

94 Canada is a very inclusive country in fact recent statistics show that one in five Canadians were born outside of Canada itself.

95 Geez gonna be fun okay let's give this a go head Squatch an emetic kiss away benek lake is the longest place name in Canada I need to lie down and frankly a medal after saying that.

96 Founded in 1867 the Moosehead brewery in New Brunswick is the oldest independent brewery in Canada and churns out an incredible 1642 bottles of beer per minute a minute that's about as often as I can drink them because I am absolute lad.

97 Canada is also famous for its ice wines which are wines made from grapes that were frozen while still on the vine more than 75 percent of Canada's ice wine comes from Ontario so move there if you insert low temperatures and wine.

98 The project in another phenomenal appeal to stereotype there are on average per year 247 car accidents in Canada that involve moose and I mean the animal moose by the way not the chocolate mousse that you can use as a dessert or an aphrodisiac.

99 Edmonton the provincial capital of Alberta is home to North America's largest mall the West Edmonton Mall spanning the equivalent of 48 city blocks as if shopping wasn't you know long enough no wonder the capsule of Moon aboot is like Louise which means many fish in Inuktitut thanks not there see related names.

100 Someone from Nova Scotia is known as a blue Nova one would assume that this is due to cold weather and Nova Scotia but it's literally everywhere in Canada is cold that feels slightly redundant for me I feel freezing now even talking about it I'm only joking that you're really hot in this Article.

So guys this Article will be enjoyable I will see you tomorrow in the next Article take care of yourself have a great day bye.

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