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100 Interesting Facts About Finland

100 Interesting Facts About Finland 

Hello Friends:

Welcome to Countries Facts so today we're traveling North Woods to the land of salty licorice eccentric sports and steamy naked blonde people yes we're going to be learning all about Europe's less well known actually quite badass countries where rye bread is king and the metalheads roam like wild horses magnificent but what does nearly every Finnish person have in their home how did Finland beat Italy at their own game and in billions of years when the Sun swells in size engulfing the earth in fiery oblivion we'll look your phones fly off into space or just sit bubbling on the sun's surface like the wonders of indestructibility that they are see like 2/3 those questions gonna be answered so grab your Finnish flags make yourself a nice sandwich on rye bread and strap in for a white-knuckle thrill ride through 100 facts about Finland.

1 Finland officially known as the Republic of Finland is a Nordic country in Northern Europe the borders Norway to the north Russia to the east the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea to the south and Sweden and the Gulf of Bothnia to the west it's a cool country for a number of reasons a further 100 of which we're going to get into right the heck now ready.

2 The archeological finds from wolf cave are the result of Neanderthal activity the first people inhabited the area now known as Finland as early as 130 thousand years ago fast-forward around nine thousand years ago a number of people including the ancestors of the sad people first arrived in Finland these groups moved north into the area now known in english as Lapland during the first millennium BC when the ancestors of modern finns arrived on the scene.

3 The first written sources that mentioned Finland date back to the 12th and 13th centuries when Finland became something of a battleground between the competing nations of Sweden and the novgorod republic which was basically a demo version of russia a series of religious conflicts known as the swedish crusades brought catholicism to finland while novgorod and the orthodox church pushed westwards from the east.

4 The two sides struggled the dominants until the signing of the Treaty of Knut Berg in 1323 which gave most of what is now southern Finland to Sweden while eastern and northern Finland went to Novgorod Finland was getting carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey without much consideration for the native Finnish population who in this analogy live on the turkey it's not great but let's continue.

5 After the Treaty of notebook notebook notebook notebook Finnish history is Swedish history for around 500 years during which one is now Finland as merely a group of provinces within sweden finland winland finland was administered in accordance with Swedish traditions and legal systems which cemented Finland's Western Europe cultural identity.

6 Only decades after the Treaty of notebook was signed Finland was devastated by the Black Death which wiped out 1/3 of the population according to one folktale the plague killed the entire population of the southern Finnish town of Espoo except for only a young girl and a monk sadly the monk eventually succumb to the disease himself at which point the girl climate church tower and told its Bell in tribute this signaled her presence to the only other survivor in the area who would later become her husband and together the couple hope to repopulate the town of Espoo probably not true but a nice story nonetheless.

7 During the period in which Finland was little more than a region of Sweden Swedish naturally became the dominant language among the ruling classes and was the principal language of administration and education Finnish on the other hand was the language of the peasantry local courts and the clergy who were the only members of the educated classes whom would be able to speak Finnish well this distinction cemented the legacy of Swedish in the history of Finland and even forms a significant part of Finnish culture.

8 The reservation started by Luther in the early 16th century and I don't mean it yourself above the way eventually reach Sweden and Finland the which point the Catholic Church was supplanted by the Lutheran faith suck at Catholicism sorry if my priest is watching this.

9 Around this time the various Finnish groups greatly developed a sense of unity and Finland saw a surge in Finnish language culture the Bishop of Turku Michiel Agricola created the first comprehensive writing system for Finnish which remains to this day in 1548 Agricola translated the New Testament into Finnish and roughly 100 years later in 1642 the entire Bible appeared in Finnish for the first time.

10 Throughout the 18th to 19th century Sweden's power began to decline eager to exploit their neighbors Foyle T what is now Finland was annexed by Russia in 1809 becoming an autonomous part of the Russian Empire known as the Grand Duchy of Finland.

11 The Finnish national movement gained momentum while under Russian control in 1863 finished became an official administrative language in the region and Finland's legislative assembly was convened for the very first time in over 50 years the conscription act of 1878 gave its very own army - which is an important part of being in countries that allows you to intimidate and fight with other countries as the good Lord intended.

12 As the dawn of the 20th century approached Russia became increasingly wary of growing Finnish nationalism and in 1899 nicholas ii began attempts to curtail Finnish autonomy and impose Russian culture language and laws commencing the so called first era of oppression the 1905 Russian Revolution offered some respite and in 1906 Finland was granted its own Parliament.

13 1906 is also notable as the year in which the Finnish people adopted universal suffrage granting women the right to vote and stand for elections on the same basis as men no weird right with this Finland became the first European nation to grant equal voting rights for women.

14 Rotten attempts to crack down on Finland's autonomy began afresh in 1909 constituting the second era of oppression but luckily the Finns didn't have to wait too long for a liberation well Finland did not take part in the first world war the conflict led to the collapse of the Russian Empire and on the 6th of December 1917 Finland declared independence which was recognized by the Bolshevik government 25 days later on the 31st of December Congrats Finland.

15 Sadly Finnish independence began with an eruption of violence only days after emancipation from Russian control which left a power vacuum in the former Duchy this led to the outbreak of the Finnish civil war sounds nasty in which the communist Reds waged war with the conservative whites the latter of which eventually emerged victorious after only three and a half months roughly 39,000 people died in this conflict.

16 Finland is notable for the fact that it's never had its own monarchy well okay sort of after the end of the Finnish civil war it was decided that Finland should get a fancy new monarchy the head of which would be Frederick Charles of Hesse owing to the considerable assistance provided by the Germans that had helped deliver victory for the Finnish whites however this plan fell apart after only a couple of months after the German defeat in the First World War and so Finland emerged as a democratic republic.

17 Finland fought against the Soviets on two occasions during the Second World War first during the winter war between 1939 and 1940 followed by the continuation war between 1941 and 1944 a conflict in which Finland fought alongside Germany not a great look the wars ended with Finland ceding significant areas of its territory to the Soviets although in doing so Finland managed to protect its independence.

18 However by August of 1944 Finland had begun to hold secret talks with the Soviets and had negotiated a peace by September this required the expulsion of German troops which resulted in Finland fighting Germany in a Lapland war between 1944 and 1945 as such Finland found itself in the quite unusual position of having effectively fought on both sides during the Second World War.

19 Finland's peace treaty with Russia also required them to pay reparations of all the countries that were compelled to pay reparations following World War two Finland is the only one known to have paid its full bill when it sent 300 million dollars to the Soviet Union in 1952 by Finland a drink though no you get.

20 Finland became a member of both United Nations and Nordic Council in 1955 which sounds like something from Skyrim but isn't Nordic cooperation has led to many legislative and political similarities between Finland and its fellow Nords in Denmark Norway Sweden and Iceland including free movements the gradual development of a common and free labor market an extensive welfare state and numerous cultural similarities.

21 our turn during a severe recession during the early 90s Finland joined the EU in 1995 and was one of the first nations to adopt the euro phasing out its previous currency known as the marker by 2002.

22 Today Finland is a parliamentary republic consisting of 19 regions called Mukunda in Finnish and land scope in Swedish these regions are further divided into 317 municipalities referred to as couldn'ta in Finnish and common in Swedish Finland also has a single autonomous region the åland Islands which is the smallest region in the country and it's only monolingual II Swedish area that means they only speak Swedish.

23 Finns generally refer to their country as suomi which is a bit of a mystery as no one actually knows where that name came from some cunning linguists have suggested that both suomi and sami derive from the same proto baltic wood as in may which was used to refer to a particular land or territory and the people living there but again not sure it could be something completely different could be ice cream you never know.

24 Finland ranks very highly in numerous metrics and national performance including education civil liberties human development and overall quality of life Finland was ranked numero uno in the 2018 and 2019 good country index which attempts to measure what each country on earth contributes to the good of humanity so yeah it's pretty legit.

25 The accolades don't stop there turns out Finland has a lot more to Robin are miserable non Finnish faces the UN's world happiness report released in 2019 found that Finland is the happiest place in the world which followed on from 2018 which also soft Finland placed in the top spot in fact Finland is placed in the top 5 happiest countries in the world happiness report since 2012 what's their secret do they not have the news in Finland.

26 Finland offers free education for students even at university level amazingly this also applies to international students from the EU and EES while non-eu Nationals can also take advantage of Finland's commitment to free education by taking classes taught in Finnish or Swedish or doctoral studies in any language Wow sounds lovely.

27 Due to its commitment to equal rights and emphasis on transparency Finland boast a particularly free press currently sitting in the number two spot beneath scandi show-offs Norway damnit Norway.

28 The latest Corruption Perceptions Index published annually by the Berlin based anti-corruption organisation transparency international ranked Finland as the third least corrupt country on earth beaten only by the consistently left off maps nation of New Zealand which came in second place and it's Nordic neighbor Denmark in 1st new New Zealand and Denmark.

29 Passport holders from Finland can gain vassilis entry to 187 countries making it the joint second most powerful passport in the world along with Germany in South Korea first place goes to Singapore the citizens of which enjoyed visa-free travel to 189 nations around the world and the EU's.

30 Finland's education system also ranks as one of the world's best pumping out thousands and some little blonde Einsteins into the world that's a horrible image forgive me this is despite the fact that children don't start school until they're seven and it's not compulsory to give them grades until the eighth grade.

31 In 2003 Finland elected under Leah Tamaki as its first female Prime Minister making it the only country in the world to have both a female Prime Minister and president a position then held by Thai Hallinan sadly this cool little win for women was cut short after only three months when determine Eve resigned amid a tinsy winsy political scandal about looting leaked secret state information for political purposes during a election campaign still good polit.

32 Finland became the very first country in the world to make broadband illegal rights for every one of its citizens from the first of July 2010 every Finn has had the right to a 1 Mbps broadband connection guaranteeing all things decent access to the world of flame wars nudity and 100 fact baby.

33 Finland proudly boasts one of Europe's lowest prison populations believed by some to be because 30% of all Finnish prisoners serve sentences in open prisons in which they are famously well treated people staying in open prisons are given keys to their rooms and have their own kitchens to cook in and are free to go outside to work study and shop in town they're even sometimes treated to supervised camping and fishing trips.

34 However some have suggested that Finland's soft touch approach to imprisonment may also be why the country is known as the Prison Break capital of Europe in 2013 one thousand eight in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 1084 escapes were recorded for every 10,000 prisoners of Finland miles ahead of second place Belgium which has a pathetic prison escape rate of only 600 to escape so every 10,000 come on prisoners up your game.

35 Finland has two official languages Finnish and Swedish however usage between the two tongues is highly imbalanced with approximately 90% of finns speaking Finnish as their first language compared to only 5% who speak Swedish.

36 The Finnish language is one of the few European languages that does not belong to the indo-european language family instead it's a part of the finno-ugric language group yeah they didn't expect that did yeah it's closely related to Estonian and a few other minority languages spoken around the Baltic Sea and more distinctly to Hungarian.

37 The longest known single word palindrome which is a word that reads the same backwards is forward like Hanna or assuming one can think of is the 19 letter Finnish word Lord above so per akivi cow PS which refers to a dealer of the caustic soda known as lye very useful word then I can imagine it comes up a lot.

38 One of the most important works of finished literature if not the most important is the Kalevala a 19th century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias long draught from Karelian and Finnish oral folklore and mythology a collection of stories poems and songs including a creation myth asserting that the world was created from the broken stars of a duck egg the Kalevala played an instrumental role in the development of Finnish national identity and to this day is still studied and finished schools.

39 Interestingly legendary English author and language nerd j.r.r tolkien base the high elvish language featured in The Lord of the Rings on the Finnish language drawing inspiration from the Kalevala it was mad cult at that talking.

40 The country of Finland is the eighth largest in Europe yet it's the European Union's most sparsely populated nation very big on personal space the Finns well unless you make it okay that sounds weird out of context but we're getting to it.

41 Finland is home to not one not two but seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites sixes and cultural and one is all natural baby examples include the Bronze Age burial site of sumela Denmark II the fortress of suomenlinna.

42 The Kivar kin archipelago which are here is look this time of year the meaning of life fin them both a whopping 180 7888 lakes that are larger than 50 square meters in size some hydrophobic bigots in the anti Lake media might say that that's far too many lakes but not me what I want that it's proudly Pro Lake I don't care how many subs we lose as a result.

43 120 kilometers in length fiddling spire no water tunnel is the longest tunnel in Europe and the second longest in the world after new york's delaware aqueduct ce president pranked on the only interesting things about Finland they've got some nice long tunnel.

44 The capital of Finland is the lovely little settlement of Helsinki which also happens to be the most populated city in the country what a coincidence it has 650,000 and 58 people within its city limits and a total of 1 million two hundred sixty-eight thousand two hundred ninety six people living within its urban area though it's a little on the small side for a capital city Helsinki remains a delightful place to live dubbed the world's most livable city by monocle magazine in 2010 and ranked the world's ninth most livable city out of 150 by The Economist Intelligence Unit in 2016 more like heaven sinky.

45 The average temperature in Helsinki during the winter months is -5 degrees Celsius that's around 23 degrees Fahrenheit which is certainly a bit nippy but not completely intolerable however the coldest temperature ever measured in the country occurred way back in 1999 when Prince was partying specifically in Cotulla a municipality in northern Finland when the temperature plummeted down to minus 50 1.5 degrees Celsius or America that's minus 60 point 7 degrees Fahrenheit.

46 Around a quarter of the country lies within the Arctic Circle making Finland's northern regions one of these several places on earth often referred to as the land of the Midnight Sun in these areas the Sun doesn't set at all for 73 days in the summer and conversely the Sun doesn't rise at all for 51 days during the winter a phenomenon known as polar night.

47 The eroding effect of the heavy glaciers that covered Finland during the last ice age left the country with a generally flat landscape with few hills or mountains good news for little carbs there but also more than 70 percent of it covered by thick forest which is ideal carves like forests I mean mind.

48 Interestingly Finland's landmass is rising up to 9 millimeters a year as a result of a phenomenon known as post-glacial rebound as the name suggests the land that constitutes Finland previously weighed down by the huge way to glaciers during the Ice Age it's rising out of the sea like a beach ball that's been held underwater except it's not a beach ball it's 338,000 424 square kilometres of land physics it's physics gang.

49 The national animal of Finland is the brown bear which features prominently in Finnish mythology and folklore the brown bear is the second largest variety of bear behind the polar bear and is known to inhabit all areas of Finland not just the heavily forested areas in the northern regions of the country you better watch out.

50 Finland is home to the cyma ringed seal a highly threatened seal species that's found in lakes cyma Finland and only in lakes Aimar Finland the species descends from a population of seals has inhabited the lake when it was first cut off from the sea after the last ice age and in the 9,500 years since these adorable blubbery boys have evolved into a separate subspecies that constitutes one of the very few freshwater seal species sadly only about 380 individuals live in the lake today and are therefore considered endangered.

51 Finland is known around the world for their enduring love of stripping naked and cramming themselves into extremely hot steamy rooms known as sauna also known as a sounder Sounders a super common in Finland where there are built-in saunas in almost every home Finland loves communal naked sweating with such a passion that there are two million saunas for its total population of roughly 5.5 million people.

52 In fact there are more soreness in Finland than there are cars if that doesn't give you an idea of how much Finnish people love taking off all their clothes and sitting in a steamy wooden room with one's family and friends like it's a perfect normal thing to do and you know not entirely traumatizing.

53 Finland's insane obsession would make it sweaty socializing doesn't end there not only does the Finnish Parliament have its own sauna chamber for MPS to debate in a Burger King in the capital of Helsinki has its own sauna when will this moist naked madness end.

54 These centenary celebrations of the country's independence in 2018 the people of Finland voted to make rye bread their national food known in Finland as Brewers labor rye bread is a dark summer bread made from unique finnish yeasts and has been part of Finnish culture identity for hundreds of years.

55 Another popular Finnish dish is the honey Kyoto which is a variety of pea soup made with ham and mustard and often served on Thursdays along with oven baked pancakes for dessert pea soup on Thursdays is a culinary tradition in Finland that's thought to date all the way back to medieval times although nowadays Monday is actually the day were the most piece super salt and shops.

56 Finland is known for its frankly disturbing love of salmiakki which is a kind of salty licorice also enjoyed in Scandinavia and parts of Germany and the Netherlands it's awful I've had it before I've got Swedish family it's one of the worst Oh however it's the Finns we most frequently munch on this vile sounding confection such that there's even a finished salty licorice association which gives out an annual award the best salty liquorice of the year.

57 While the Nordic nations in general have a reputation as coffee lovers it's the Finns who outrun everyone else when it comes to chugging mud Finnish people consume the most coffee in the world per capita with each film consuming an average of 12 kilos of coffee every year over 2 kilos more than second-place Norway who imbibe only 9.9 kilos annually come on Norway.

58 The Finns also drink massive amounts of milk with a per person milk consumption rate of around 130 litres a year this makes Finland the world's highest annual consumer of milk per capita which is a bit weird considering the fact that as many as 17 percent of finns are lactose intolerant.

59 Alcohol in finland it's expensive and sales are restricted which prompted many Finns to head over to Estonia where booze is generally cheaper as a result 34 percent of all alcohol sold at liquor stores in the entire country of Estonia are bought by people from Finland while roughly 2 percent of the Finnish population visit Estonia up to 3 times a month just to buy alcohol.

60 Finland has much to offer in the culinary realm it hasn't always had the best reputation which as a Brit hits home real hard the myth of bad Finnish food came from international news in 2008 when silvio berlusconi the then Prime Minister of Italy complained about having to endure or Finnish cuisine while making snide remarks about marinated reindeer a delicacy enjoyed in some parts of Finland wow what a hater he must have really bruised Finland's ego there because the country took the insults on the chin and definitely didn't retaliate by spectacularly proving Berlusconi.

61 Psyche that's exactly what Finland did in result to Berlusconi scurrilous lies a well-known finished pizza restaurant called Kotter Pizza great today delicious having pizza topped with tomato cheese chanterelle red onion and of course reindeer with their creation sarcastic pig dubbed Pizza Berlusconi the fin turned to the 2008 America's plate International Pizza contest and came in first place pushing the italian-american squad into second so suck on that Berlusconi.

62 The National Sports of Finland is called peso polo which is in many ways similar to baseball but with a number of notable differences such as the fact that the bases are arranged in a strange zig-zag formation and the ball is pitched vertically the game also has a specific designated field of play within which the ball must remain so you can't just whack the ball as hard as you can like in baseball.

63 Finland is also home to a rather bizarre bear into football called wait for it swamp the football in case your powers of deduction are considerably less developed than they should be swamp football is exactly as the name suggests in that it's a form of association football that's played in bulks or swamps the sport is said to have originated in a physically demanding exercise activity for athletes and soldiers and the pastime since become its very own bona fide sport today there are an estimated 300 swamp football teams around the world Nintendo.

64 In 1996 Finland also began hosting the annual air-guitar World Championships where people from around the world who could have better spent their precious time on earth actually learning to play guitar flock to the city of Oulu to while away on their imaginary axes in the most impressively stylistic fashion possible.

65 Another kooky Finnish sports known as wife-carrying is said to have originated in the 19th century when a robber named her ko Ron Kainan and his gang began stealing young women as well as food and other valuables from the village they raided today the tradition has evolved into a genuine sports with Championships held every year in the municipality of song Kiev a male contestants compete by carrying their female partner along an obstacle Laden 235 meter track with a winner being rewarded with his wife's weight in beer though we should point out that the team is actually not obliged to be husband and wife.

66 Finland apparently possessed the dream of becoming the weird sport capital of the world made evident by the fact the home of the annual mobile phone during World Championships had been held in the southeastern Finnish town of savonlinna since the year 2000 the competition features categories based not only on how far you can shock you nakiye 3310 but also a freestyle section in which contestants are judged on the aesthetics and choreography of their phone lobbing.

67 Every year on the 27th of July the people of Finland celebrate national sleepyhead Day a tradition that dates back to the medieval period when it was believed that the last person left to sleep in the household would be lazy and unproductive for the rest of the year since then it's been tradition to arouse the last person to wake up by pouring water on them or in a more extreme way by throwing them into a lake or the sea.

68 The town of nun Tali in southwest Finland takes the tradition very very seriously and celebrates this Trudy Bazar gets mobbed the endearing holiday by dunking a Finnish celebrity into the sea I know I didn't know Finland have celebrities either.

69 Dunking celebrities in the harbour just for the nipple hardening surge of adrenaline isn't the only weird and holiday that the Finns have concocted every year on the 13th of October since 2010 the Finnish observe the day for failure which celebrates setbacks and cock-ups as a way promoting perseverance and learning for the future.

70 The last crazy finished sport we're going to share with you and be assured there are many more is the ludicrous tradition of anthill sitting again the activities pretty self-explanatory and involves sitting bare bottom Don an anthill to see who can last the longest Finland are you okay really i everything is everything all right I mean who hurt you Oh Russia right.

71 Owing to the fact that a small set fine for speeding is going to have a negligible deterrent effect on the super-rich Finland decided to even things out by calculating speeding fines based on the violators income this means that the average person will receive a firm but fair fine for violating speed limits but Finnish millionaires can face eye watering fines that far more appropriately punish those who rarely experience consequences.

72 In case you wanted a specific example of some rich people come up and we got you covered in 2002 former Nokia director and Sivan chogi was fined one hundred sixteen thousand euros after being caught zipping about on his motorbike at 75 km/h in a 50 zone or some good old SH Garden Floyd er here's the thing though do you think speeding fines should be based on income or do you think it's not very fair let us know in our snazzy youtube poll.

73 Finland is home to more heavy metal bands per capita than anywhere else in the world and the best part is it's not even close Finland boasts a shredder if ik 53.5 metal bands per 100,000 people followed by Sweden and Norway tied at twenty-seven point two and then Iceland at twenty two point seven apparently living in cold countries with robust welfare systems just makes you want to worship Satan and play face-melting guitar solos.

74 Finland when someone earns their PhD they're rewarded with a special top hat and for some strange reason an actual sword the Hat is said to symbolize liberty while the sword represents the fight for the students have found to be good right and true sounds like y'all just want an excuse to get your hands on a sword and honestly I can't fault you.

75 As you probably already know the creator of the insanely popular mobile game Angry Birds is a Finnish company called Ravi Oh pretty standard millennial knowledge there but what you may not know is that in 2012 Angry Birds land opened in Ciccone Yemi Adventure Park in Finland where diehard fans of the game can frolic ngah Vaught around a family-friendly world full of Angry Birds themed ride attraction shops and food.

76 It may surprise you to learn that Finland has absolutely no payphones like at all by early 2007 telecommunications companies in Finland who discontinued their public telephones leaving the people of Finland entirely dependent on mobile phones however did they manage.

77 The wild can tanked Finland for a wide variety of commonly used an essential inventions including the heart rate monitor Linux the rescue toboggan and of course the sauna which incidentally also happens to be the most used Finnish word outside of the mother country just a little bonus fact for you guys there I know I know I spoiled you rotten.

78 Don't be fooled by the placid temperament of Finnish people as they can be athletic build soin toes when they want to be Finland has one more summer olympic medals per capita than any other nation in the world and is second only to Norway in the number of Winter Olympics medals per capita.

79 In fact having first participated in the Olympic Games way back in 1908 Finland has earned at least one level of every single summer and Winter Olympics since a distinction it shares with only one other country its Nordic neighbor Sweden.

80 When the sluice at Reader's Digest wanted to figure out which world city had the most honest inhabitants they conducted an experiment by dropping wallets in a total of 16 major cities around the world including New York London Rio de Janeiro Berlin and Mumbai when the results came in it transpired that the Finnish capital Helsinki came out on top with a total of 11 after 12 wallets having been returned the least trustworthy city is Lisbon as only one wallet was returned there and hilariously it was returned by Dutch couple who were on holiday there.

81 Since way back in the 1930s Finnish mothers have received a starter kit of clothes sheets outdoor gear nappies bedding and toys contained in a large box that can be used as a bed some suggest that this tradition designed to give all children in Finland an equal start in life no matter their background has helped Finland achieve one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.

82 By investing heavily in public transport Finnish authorities are claiming to make the communal transportation systems so efficient and comfortable that citizens no longer require their own vehicles with this in mind Transport Chiefs in Helsinki how to make car ownership obsolete by as early as 2025.

83 In addition more than 3200 kilometers of cycle lanes spread across the country have also helped Finland maintain the fifth best urban air of any country on earth.

84 Funnily enough the name of the popular flamin projectile no minister Molotov cocktail was actually coined by the Finns despite the fact the weapon itself originated in the Spanish Civil War the Finns later use them when facing off for the Soviet Union during the Second World War and created the term as an insulting reference to the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov who once lied that the bombing raids carried out in Finland were actually humanitarian food drops the Finns sarcastically dubbed their bottle petrol bombs as Molotov cocktails as a drink to go with the food.

85 In 1951 finished sports brand car who sold Aires drives trademarked then little known German sportswear manufacturer added us for the equivalent of 1600 euros and two bottles of whiskey alle das has since gone on to become one of the world's largest clothing companies while car who is well not doing as well as added asses.

86 There's a tiny island in the Gulf of Bothnia called Marquette which is divided by the Finnish Swedish border after the Finns inadvertently built a lighthouse on the wrong side of the border in 1885 the violation was finally resolved in 1981 when the Swedes agreed to trade it for an equal and area on the other side causing a bizarre zigzag in the border between the two countries probably didn't seem like a big deal when they did it but now they have internet celebrities like me talking about it what an honor for Finland and Sweden Cheers.

87 There's also a golf course located on the border between Finland and Sweden where half the holes were in one country and the other half were on the other called the Green Zone course the unique golfing facility located near Tornillo in Finland and haparanda in Sweden allows players to experience international travel four times across 18 holes.

88 Centuries there has been an enduring belief by various gruta people that the Finnish somehow possess the ability to control the weather now this new position was so strongly held the Vikings apparently refused to sail with the Finns and remnants of this bizarre and I must point out incorrect belief survived when to the 20th century.

89 Finland is in many ways a nation obsessed with the future evidenced by the fact it was the first country in the world to offer a master's degree in future studies Finland also has a special parliamentary committee for the future and it's government is required by law to boost an official review of the future every four years.

90 In the interest of road safety reindeer herders in Finland often paint the antlers on their animals with reflective paint to make them more visible at night so if you're driving through Finland and spot a hoofed animal with glowing horns sadly you've not discovered a brand new pokemon it's just a safety conscious reindeer.

91 Terrifying most collisions are one possible reason why motorists in Finland are legally required to drive with their headlights on at all times like literally all the time whether in summer or winter in sunlight or darkness even under the Midnight Sun the Finns have to drive with their lights.

92 Tampere Finland second largest city is well known as the birthplace of the Soviet Union because two of the main architects of the Bolshevik Revolution Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin met at Tampa rez workers hall in 1905 while on the run from the Czarist authorities.

93 The Sami people of northern Finland have a unit of measurement called the Lauren Cosima which specifically refer to the distance a reindeer will walk before needing to urinate which google tells me is roughly seven point five kilometres Congrats viewer that's now something.

94 Carney is a Finnish word that roughly means shield drunk and has two related but distinct meanings in Finland but term either refers to getting drunk the night before a big party so when you go to said big party you don't get drunk as quickly or to lose to the devilish yet crafty practice of specifically getting wasted in order to avoid one's responsibility as a designated driver though you're a pretty bad friend.

95 Another delightful finish drinking term is Cal Sarah Kearney which literally translates to pants drunk visit the practice of getting drunk at home in your underwear with zero intention of going out.

96 Do you love engaging in minders text-based chatter with your friends if you're cool you wanted yes in which case you have Finland to thank for your ability to converse with your charms without the load some inconvenience of having to actually hang out with them specifically you need to thank Matty Makonnen who developed the idea of text messaging in the 1990s for which he received an Innovation Award from The Economist in 2008.

97 Finland is also land of great designers with numerous well-known design classics coming from the aesthetically minded Finns the ubiquitous ball chair was created by aro our neo the Marimekko flower design is super Finnish and Alva altos Alto VARs also known as the Savoy bars is a world-famous piece of glassware.

98 That massive arch in st. Louis a super Finnish dude would Eero Saarinen designed.

99 Roughly nine out of ten plastic bottles in finland are returned for recycling and almost 100 percent of glass bottles are also recycled by the way if I could just have a minute just a minute of your time to talk about our Lord essence a fresh Jennifer Lawrence I mean I know it's recycled but I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with her just passionate no I won't tone it down ask her you know next fact it was ridiculous place to put her in anyway.

100 Finland is the only country in the developed world in which fathers of primary school-aged children generally spend more time with their children the mothers do Marble Honda to one Finland boasts the northernmost vineyard in the world which is rather surprisingly located at the old Kalu toe nuclear power plant in western finland the residual heat in the cooling water used at the facility is further utilized for small-scale agriculture in the form of a zero point one hectare vineyard which produces 850 kilograms of Zilker grapes annually radioactive wine so that was one hundred one factor but is it just me that's to move there now or do you already live there and in which case have we missed any out let me know in the comments down below  also remember to like the video and subscribe to one on one fact if you haven't done so already.

We really do enjoy it it really makes our day in the meantime though so guys we will see you soon in the next one God bless you.

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