Top 10 Amazing Facts About Papua New Guinea
Hello Friends:
Welcome to Countries Facts so in this Article I will show you 10 interesting facts about Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea is a large island in the southwestern Pacific encompasses the eastern half of New Guinea and its offshore islands a country of immense cultural and biological diversity it's known for its beaches and coral reefs it is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean above Australia large parts of the country are covered by dense forests that house tribes that are still untouched by the modern-day way of life the country hosts many secrets and the people living here often follow strange customs and traditions the official name of the country is the independent state of Papua New Guinea it has 5150 kilometers of coastline here are ten things you probably don't know about Papua New Guinea.
1 Papua New Guinea is richly endowed with natural resources including mineral and renewable resources such as forests marine and in some parts agriculture the country is one of the world's least explored culturally and geographically.
2 Papua New Guinea's population is estimated at around 6.2 million only 18 percent of whom live in urban centres.
3 Until 1933 the country used seashells as its national currency then it switched to the kina.
4 Tropical rainforest covers as much as 77% of Papua New Guinea these forests are a wealth of biodiversity Papua New Guinea has an estimated 11,000 plant species 250 mammal species and 700 bird species.
5 Papua New Guinea has several volcanoes as it is situated along the Ring of Fire volcanic eruptions are not rare and the area is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis because of this.
6 A male rag on a bird of paradise is on the flag and stamps of Papua New Guinea the bird is important in social and cultural activities and its Klum's are often used as ceremonial deck raishin.
7 Papua New Guinea is made up of over 600 islands the largest New Guinea is jointly occupied by Papua New Guinea and the Indonesian territory of re and Jaya.
8 Papua New Guinea is home to the world's only poisonous bird the hood at in New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world with over 700 individual languages spoken in Papua New Guinea.
9 Papua New Guinea and over a 1000 distinct ethnic groups however the official languages are English Tok Pisin and hiramatsu.
10 The land is so densely forested in many parts that communities are isolated and often do not see other communities for long periods of time if ever because of the dense forests and jungles many parts of Papua New Guinea are still undiscovered by Westerners with plant and animal species as yet unknown to us.
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