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Top 10 Amazing Facts About El Salvador

Top 10 Amazing Facts About El Salvador 

Hello Friends:

Welcome to Countries Facts so Today in this Article I will show you top 10 things that shock tourists about visiting beautiful el salvador and you know what i'm going to start off with the biggest question people ask me and that is mark aren't you scared going to el salvador well here's shock.

1 I don't feel unsafe when i visit el salvador look el salvador was ranked as the number one murder capital in the world i'm not gonna deny that okay there was a time when the u.s government said don't visit el salvador well you know what they've moved it up it's now the second lowest one but the thing is when you come here you don't feel unsafe the thing is it's really gang violence where all the murders are happening and stuff like that it's not the tourists that are getting targeted so as a tourist you won't notice that because it's kind of confined really to certain neighborhoods in san salvador and other places and so it is kind of shocking when you come and people are like wait you weren't worried you were going to die every single day and you were going to get murdered no no we haven't been i'm actually here with my kids we've had a great time that people are so wonderful and helpful and and all kinds of stuff but it really is shocking when you look at the statistics and then you come here and it's like wait i feel like i'm not going to the same country about what i read about so make sure you do your research before you come here because there are issues i'm not going to lie to you about that there is gang violence and stuff like that but it doesn't really affect the tourists or the tourist areas so you can come and have this great time because here's shock.

2 You are not going to see very many tourists when you're here so many people have been scared off from visiting el salvador that when you come here i mean it's you and you and you might see another tourists in the distance i mean it is not a really big hub of tourism here and you'll see that the tour of them infrastructure in terms of hotels and accommodation and and transportation stuff like that it's not developed like you have in places like belize or costa rica or nicaragua it is definitely not quite there yet and it's kind of shocking but when you start realizing that it's just you and the country it really makes a fantastic experience because you really get to meet the people because you're like hey what are you doing in el salvador we don't get a lot of tourists you can come and really see some amazing stuff okay and when you're traveling around this country.

3 Shot for you are the transportation shocks that is when you go around you're going to have flashbacks to when you were a kid in the u.s and you rode the yellow school bus those yellow school buses they come here to central america to retire especially here in el salvador and if you're whether you're driving in town or between cities you're probably going to be on one of those old yellow school buses now they might be painted up in different colors and stuff like that but you will be on some when you are here and it's kind of like a throwback to the good old days of sitting on the bus as a kid and the thing is the roads here are actually pretty good.

4 when you're going between cities you're not bouncing all around all over the place it's actually pretty decent roads which kind of is shocking for some people when they come here and then to kind of shove a lot of shocks into one transportation shock i was kind of shocked when i saw the many transports which were just pickup trucks with a bar out down the back that people rode in now i've been to other places where people sat in the back of the pickup truck heck when i was a kid we used to go around the back of the pickup truck but usually you sat down here people are just standing up like they're on the bus but they're in the back part of the truck just holding on you're like oh wow so if you do do that do be careful okay and when you're driving around my neck shock for you is when you see the murals you're going to see tons of murals painted on you know the sides of basically this the mountain they've you know sheer cliffs and stuff like that they're painting the propaganda and art and all kinds of stuff on there and it's really kind of a cool thing and sadly it's kind of a losing lot not lost art form but you're seeing less and less of it but what you are seeing are insanely huge you know posters and insanely huge signs for stores and stuff like that so it is kind of funny to see those things now my next shock for you is when you come here you actually can see the mayan version of pompeii i know it sounds really cheesy but actually serene archaeological site is actually a mayan room that got covered with you know volcanoes because there's volcanoes here so it got covered up over the years because of the explosions and volcano volcanic eruptions and they're actually excavating it so you can see like wow this is what it was like this is really cool the thing is you have ceren but you also have some other really great sites we went to san andres and you can go there and you can walk around the temple's there and the thing is it's only about.

5 Percent uncovered hopefully one day they'll be able to go farther out because it's a huge area but only a little bit's uncovered so that's kind of cool or if you want to see the one that's the most uncovered you got tazuman which is a you know the big big one you're going to see when you are here that's really kind of a cool thing.

6 Casablanca is another one but casablanca is basically they haven't uncovered anything it's just like it looks like normal hills so that would be like the third one i would go to our fourth one i would go to out of those four when you're there but they are really cool whichever one you do go visit now as you can tell i'm getting a bit hot when i'm here and you will too when you are here and my next shot for you is when you get hot and you want to get a drink don't be surprised if you get your drink in a plastic bag whether it's their fantastic horchata.

7 It's a bit sweeter than the horchata you get in mexico or you're going to have another drink or liquido like one of the fruit juices or fruit drinks you might get in a plastic bag now this doesn't happen as much as it used to but it could be shocking when you do get one just roll with it be like the locals walk around drinking out of your straw in your plastic bag and enjoy the fantastic fruit juices and and fruit like shakes kind of thing they have there they are really really good so another thing that may shock you about el salvador.

8 El Salvador is the bathroom culture come in and i'll show you so um you'll find a bin or trash can next to the toilet everywhere you go because you can't flush your toilet paper and that's you know pretty typical in a lot of places throughout the world but um there will be a bin um and in a lot of places there may not be toilet paper so there may be toilet paper outside the bathrooms if you're in a public bathroom you may find that the toilet paper is on a roll outside and so would just be one big thing so you need to grab that before you go into the into the stall another thing is that there might be some with no toilet paper which i've experienced in many help in many countries not just el salvador but it's never a bad idea to just have a couple of tissues in your pocket just in case now when you are going around it's not just the mayan ruins it's also you're going to be shocked at all the amazing natural beauty.

9 That is here in el salvador yes you have uh kotopeke this lake here that you can go in and jump off and enjoy and there's restaurants all around for you to kind of grab a bite or just ask to look at some local salvadorian i'm sure they have a friend or somebody that has a you know a house here because that's kind of the thing right and so you can go here you can go hiking in the volcanoes that's really cool to do or of course you can hit the beaches they've got great surf when you're here there's all kinds of outdoor stuff you can do i mean heck if you want to see some outdoor beauty go in the ruta de las flores or the the route the road the flower road and what it is you see all this natural beauty and all these cute little villages as you go it is really kind of a cool thing now with those beautiful beaches you're gonna have here i'm gonna give you your next shock how fried and eaten alive you're gonna get when you visit el salvador because it is sun except for like you know may when may rains come may june july it's like rainy rainy rainy yeah you got sun all the time and the thing is the beaches here they go east west so you can have sun all day long ain't nothing stopping it so you can get fried very easily if you're gonna go hike those volcanoes you're getting higher and higher stronger uv rays as you get up you need to be careful so make sure you're putting on that sunblock have your hat re put it on again and also bring the bug spray because man oh man they do not mess around when you are here okay so do be careful with that because you'll be shot burned and eaten alive you may get okay and speaking of eating my next shot for you might have to do with the food and that is beans beans the magical fruit El salvador.

10 El Salvador has so many i won't go farther with that one but honestly you're gonna have beans and a lot of different stuff whether it's in your pupusas which i'll talk about in a little bit or maybe as a dip with your tortilla in the morning or maybe they're gonna be in the side mixed together with some rice and caciminto you're gonna have beans okay so just just be ready for that okay because you'll be surprised that you have them breakfast lunch and dinner because it really is the staple of salvadorian food now one of the things when you travel you're never really sure like maybe you don't know where to eat or where to go and things like that well the next thing is going to shock you is how cool and chilled out the salvadorians are if you're not sure what to eat just ask them they'll be brutally honest with you yeah don't get this that's not great go for our fish go get you know have the meat here or get the ceviche that's fantastic or this i mean they'll be so friendly so helpful and what's awesome about the locals here they're so excited to have tourists actually come back to el salvador like hey what are you doing here let's talk and we've talked and we've met so many locals when we've been here it's been fantastic if you can't tell how i'm excited about being here like i'm getting way too fast in my speech here it's because the people really are super awesome and if you really want to shock not yourself but you want to shock those locals here's my tip for you eat papooses the correct way now a lot of times when you come to el salvador people tell you you've got to eat papooses you gotta eat proposals you're like what is that well it's either corn flour or i prefer rice flour tortillas and they'll put a filling in between maybe it's cheese and chicken or cheese and chicharrones or or it might be beans or it might be beans and cheese or it might be garlic and cheese draw something like that one and they put it together kind of fry it up on the flat top right and they serve it to you the thing is when you see it oh it looks like a little like tacoy thing no you do not eat them like a taco i talk about this in my don'ts video but you what you do is you actually rip off a little piece and then you use it and you pinch up some of the sliced up cabbage and salsa stuff together and eat that way and you'll be surprised how the looker's like whoa foreigner eating papoosas the right way respect i mean it is it was pretty funny when i got it down right we had a video about it we put out like i put out a couple days ago and people were like oh my god florida you get the right way i mean so it's not just you getting shot to the tourist you could shock the locals by doing that and i think it's really important also for me to say one more kind of shocking thing is that it's not just a beach when you're here there's a lot of little tiny towns you can visit and see their historic center the colonial center we were in santa ana okay and santa ana's got this gorgeous cathedral you can go to you can go right on the square and you can go in the theater there all kinds of stuff it's got this nice little center if you go to the other part suchutotto you can go there and see their historic center and it's just gorgeous and so you have these kind of little small towns and medium-sized towns you can go visit which is really really nice so definitely go out and explore those that's why that ruta de las flores is so nice because you see the nature and the little towns along the way so it is super cool so if you can't tell from my excitement about being here i hope you have a little excitement if you do decide to come to el salvador and the thing is i know there's a lot of questions people have about visiting el salvador you know and a lot of it comes down to safety and i talk about that in another video we have that goes into specifically safety issues and safety concerns when visiting el salvador and it can help you feel more comfortable coming here because yes there are problems but you know what it's mostly in the big cities you don't go to certain parts of the big cities just like you don't go to certain parts of big cities in the u.s or europe or other parts of the world it's kind of a similar thing okay but i do hope you can come here if not you're missing out the people are great the papooses are wonderful and honestly look at this view i'm on a volcano and i'm not worried about it exploding it's so nice anyway i want to say thank you to our website salvadorian fans that told us to come here gracias i'm glad we listened to you and we came thank you to our el salvador our fans from el salvador they gave us ideas like coming here to kotopeke i'm so glad we listened to you and going checking everything out and how to eat the papooses the right way your aunt thank you very much for all of her tips and we wish you all the best here when you do come to el salvador.

I hope you guys this Article will be informative for you we will see you soon in the next Article God Bless You.

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