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Top 10 Amazing Facts About Zimbabwe

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Zimbabwe 

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Welcome to Countries Facts so Today in this Article I will show you top 10 Amazing facts about Zimbabwe thanks for watching as you already know this Flores it's always a pleasure presenting  but non interesting facts about the beautiful countries on the African continent in this Article we're looking at the historic country of Zimbabwe officially the Republic of Zimbabwe formally Rhodesia is a landlocked country located in the southern part of Africa between the Zambezi and improper River bothered by South Africa to the south but Swan and to the southwest Zambia to the northwest and Muslim beak to the east the capital and largest city is Harare the country of about 60 million people Zimbabwe has 16 official languages with English Shona and then ballet the most common the country is widely known for its diverse wildlife and magnificent landscapes the Victoria fall on the Zambezi River is a major thrill among the tourists with a citizen bubbly exotic white life flora and Fiona Highland mountains and floran rivers remarkably both the beauty of this country the current president is immense in the muds of Managua who was officially in the great head on the 26th of August 2018 after winning the 2008 in Zimbabwean general election if you are new here welcome be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of our videos let's dive in and take a look at the 10 things you didn't know about Zimbabwe.

1 It is illegal in Zimbabwe for the police impound your vehicle on the road it is illegal for police officers to impound your car in Zimbabwe except when there are special circumstances where the driver of the vehicle is asked to produce your driver's license human rights lawyer Kennedy must say he has say the only time they can impound the vehicle is as empowered by section 74 of the road traffic are where our notice the demands to driver's license and they can detain the car for a maximum of 24 hours after 24 hours the driver can still collect the vehicle before producing the driver's license and they are given at least seven days to produce the license must say say beside that there was no provision for police appeases impound vehicles as there were no fines than goes with various offenses including defective vehicles he said it was also illegal Offices of first motor risk spots Pines as there was no like a provision for practice if your vehicle is taken away the property rights are being violated because the vehicle cannot be taken away without justifiable reasons one can see because through acquiring s polyesters order on urgent basis and the court so that they can possess their cars they can go further to sue the police because the rights of property would have been violated must say ESA Zimbabwe lawyers for Human Rights say in order for the traffic fines to be implemented fairly and in good faith the Zimbabwe Republic Police Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe the Ministry of Transport and infrastructural development and other relevant authorities should embark on a nationwide awareness campaign regarding the requirement of the 2015 regulation and other legislation relating to traffic offenses such as the road traffic art and the Road Traffic Safety bed regulations in 1987 most importantly in imposing traffic fine Zimbabwe police officers must exercise the Aditi in the interest of Public Safety and administrative justice refraining from imposing unlawful spot fines and rejecting all form of bribery and corruption.

2 Zimbabwe has 16 official languages English is the main language used in the education and judiciary system the Bantu languages Shona and Dembele at the principal indigenous languages of Zimbabwe show nice spoken by 70% of the population that ballet by 20% other minority Bantu languages includes venda Tonga Shangaan Colunga Soto window and nambia less than 2.5 percent mainly the white and colored minority consider English in native language Shona has a rich or a tradition which was incorporated in the fresh Shona novel vessel by Solomon Motte swaro published in 1956 English is spoken primarily in the cities but less so in rural areas radio and television news not broadcast in Shona is an MLA in English.

3 The largest waterfall in the world Victoria fall is found in Zimbabwe located in the Zambezi River it has a wealth on the waterfall that is wider than a kilometre and has a height of more than 100 metres one of the greatest attraction in Africa one of the most spectacular waterfall in the world Victoria fall is located on the Zambezi River the fourth largest river in Africa which also defines a border between Zambia and Zimbabwe it is also considered to be the largest fall in the world the noise of Victoria.

4 Can be heard from a distance of 40 kilometres while the spray and meets from the falling water is rising at the height of over 400 metres and can be seen from the distance of 50 kilometres no wonder that the local tribes used to call the waterfall muscle wait one year that smoke that Kunduz the waterfall was named after Queen Victoria by a well known explorer of Africa David Livingstone number for Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa thanks to the large investment in education since independence Zimbabwe has one of the highest adult literacy rate in Africa with 89 percent of the adult population Dimitri according to the World Bank data from 2014 globally the literacy rate so that is a six percent in 2016 while in sub-saharan Africa it was 64% almost all women age 1549 have had at least on primary education according to the 2015 Zimbabwe demographic and health survey more than 70 percent of people aged 15 to 49 have also attained a secondary school.

5 Zimbabwe have the shortest life expectancy in the world as a part of your research initiative entitled Zimbabwe's crisis and future CDG fellows Thutmose Micah Clemens and Stuart Patrick have uncirculated and analyzed the many political economical and social catastrophe that have characterized the country's decline since 2000 this kilometers includes the severe contraction of the economy in doubling of the percentage of the population living in poverty organized violence perpetrated by the government the break out of basic services the erosion of the country's economy nation and the massive immigration of professionals according to WH Oz World Health reports a thousand on sex and as reported in BBC News Zimbabwean women have an average life expectancy of 34 years men on average do not live past 37 mashach in however is a rapid decline this figures represents average life expectancy for women in Zimbabwe has declined by two years in just the last five months what a stark reminder of the human faces of economic and political crisis more than half the people of Zimbabwe are below the age of 21.

6 Zimbabwe was once a rich country Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Africa but it has been slammed by industrial mismanagement food shortages a collapse currency and rampant corruption Zimbabwe abandons its own currency in 2008 due to the extreme hyperinflation it experienced 200 million percent efficient on its currency the new currency faces an uphill climb as it does not trade beyond the country's border and has lost value since being introduced.

7 Zimbabwe is home to some of the largest diamond and platinum reserves in the world in the presentation of an annual conference in investing in Africans mining running from February fit to in Cape Town Zimbabwean smile Minister Winston sheet endo said the country has a diversify mineral in domain with investment opportunities existing in exploration mining beneficiation and marketing the country holds some of the world's largest lithium deposits Jitender said citing BIC it's a mineral in Zimbabwe smash single province and the Akata lithium project in Gorham Anzhi among some project that had common strain chief endo indicated that Zimbabwe announced a significant lithium deal son Zimbabwe is trying to rebuild its economy once one of the most promising in Africa but brought to its knees during the downtrend triggered at the start of a new millennium when better run former President Robert Mugabe clashed with key Western dollars over his human rights records and policies such as his controversial land reforms Zimbabwe snoot Goffman led by amis in Managua was won in last year after Mugabe relinquishes that the seven role on the military pressure has sought to scale back some ownership policies that has repelled foreign investors.

8 Zimbabwe runs high on the list of African countries with great national parks when reviewing the best African safari areas Zimbabwe definitely hung right on the top of the list so if you're planning on visiting Zimbabwe I guarantee you you have made a great decision the country was of beautiful natural sceneries and prolific wildlife from abundant game reserves top on the list includes a well-known one in national park mana called National Park the Victoria for National Park with the highest concentration of tourists during peak hours lesser-known gem such as nanda National Park and Marta Sedona National Park have just as much to offer dollars for dollars one guy is the largest and most famous of the Zimbabwe national parks the game park not only pools of rich wildlife but also excellent animal viewing experience one guy is best known for its vast population of the big 5 game animals lion leo pad rhinoceros elephants and Buffalo I recommend you to visit of time during the dry season when you can easily spot Leo paths during the river banks and wells the PAC's proximity to Victoria Falls makes it perfect for adventure seekers located below Lake Kariba manipur azoty beauty is a reason it has made it to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

9 Zimbabwe's thought to be the location of affair the biblical land for which King Solomon got ivory gold peacocks and other precious items apart from his reputation as a wise King and prolific lover Solomon is renowned for his extraordinary wealth the Old Testament states bats he was the possessor of gold according to all his desire by the end of his reign it was estimated that he had accumulated some 500 ton of gold which today will be worth over 60 trillion dollars the first classical reference to Solomon's golden Eldorado is a guide a reference in the Bible to a close call off here unfortunately the exact location of Afiya was never revealed in the Bible and does its whereabout has remained a secret all the centuries at one time a solitary was that a real city of the Great Zimbabwe once the capital of the kingdom of Zimbabwe was the land of affair while archaeological evidence suggests that grid Zimbabwe was a thriving commercial center conducting a lucrative international trade in gold mine in the kingdom and ivory in the network that extended as far as China it is believed that the kingdom predominantly flourished during the medieval period thousands of years after Solomon is said to have lived what do you think is a legend that King Solomon got eight gold films in Bab with her job your thoughts in the comment section below.

10 He first people of the country where the bantu-speaking eye on each farmers that settle in the region around 300 AD bankers are the speakers up in two languages comprising several hundred indigenous ethnic groups in sub-saharan Africa spread over a vast area from Central Africa across the African Great Lakes to southern Africa they are not written historical records indicating exactly when the battles we will later refer to as the Shona a cluster comprising several dialects settled in the region most of which is now largely a part of Zimbabwe but archaeological evidence shows that it was in about 300 ad that advances first appeared in the region proud to the arrival of the Bantu speakers in present-day Zimbabwe the region was populated by ancestors of Sun people hello Dolores we hope you learned a thing or two about the beautiful country of Zimbabwe as a little reward for watching the speech at the aim yeah as some things you should know when visiting Zimbabwe the next time offer your very first verse a Zimbabwe means great house of stone in the locale she shone a language Zimbabweans called every toothpaste Colgate's every soft drink coke every powder south and every floor polish cobra they also believe when a man has a big stomach it is a sign of wealth thanks for watching this video displays as usual you can add more interesting facts about Zimbabwe that has not in this Article and the best comment will be paint.

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